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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • I don’t know about you guys, but if a great friend and coworker I knew to be an upstanding person got accused of raping people I didn’t know, I’d be with my friend all the way.

    When it comes out they actually did the thing? You condemn what they did.

    This isn’t some weird ‘gotcha’. This is people who like to scrutinize people who watch the Kardashians essentially doing the same thing on the internet lol.

    Having your trust and integrity betrayed is one of the most human and humbling moments possible. One which anybody who’s had more than two friends or a family in their life has ALREADY gone through.

    What a pile of low life tabloid shitmongery.

    Don’t be a fucking hypocrite. Do you want people to change their opinions with new information or not?

  • Any Metroidvania is great. Almost any 2d game is great. Newer intensive 3d games are nice but the battery goes quick.

    The only issues I’ve had with the hardware is the pointer finger placements for the triggers are hard to use both on the same side if you use a game that makes use of both a lot.

    I do wish I waited a year for summer sale though. The 20% discount on the antiglare screen would’ve been cheaper than the mid tier I bought. I game way more outside now though with my toddler son when he plays in the yard. The mirror reflection is killer sometimes.