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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • Problem is, its not largely climate change spending. Everyone just sees the headline “biggest climate bill in history” and thats good enough for them. Well, wheres the cheaper EV’s? Wheres the solar panels, the wind farms, why is oil production still increasing? Everyone got scammed. Its a puny climate bill that even has anti climate components like more land leasing for oil and gas extraction. It got poisoned with lobbyists and capitalism, its tax cuts for businesses in hopes theyll do good.

  • The heavy, direct influence of a billion+ person goverment dumping untold resources into producing EVs/Solar/etc at dirt cheap rates, then selling them, means that no other country can create it’s own independent industry in these very important products.

    Why cant the US dump more resources to compete? Why is the answer to one country investing heavily in climate change fighting technologies not to invest heavily in climate change fighting technologies yourself?

  • Climate change is real. China feels like the only country treating it like its real. I see stories about a country investing heavily in renewable energy, in EVs, in energy storage, and i dont understand why theyre not getting unanimous applause. Other countries are mad because they’re doing better than them and want to drag them down to our gas SUV dependent level. Other countries should feel nothing but shame for not treating climate change like its real.

  • I start to wonder if corporate executives themselves arent responsible for this myth that the meaningful bulk of emissions comes from them. So consumers can feel guilt free about buying these gas guzzling chunkers, after all their choices dont have any meaningful effect on emissions.

    But no, corporate headquarters doesnt have a giant smokestack spewing out those corporate emissions you hear about. Those emissions are coming from…SUV tailpipes! Transportation is the highest emissions sector in the US, and personal vehicles make up the bulk of those emissions, especially trucks and SUVs.