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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Don’t call other people stupid just because they see beyond your attempt to be clever.

    You think I’m trying to be clever by speaking my own language?

    You think I speak my own language to seem “edgy”?

    The word “faggot” on reddit gets site-wide deleted which means even saying it in the UK subs where people will know the meaning it would get deleted. Yes it’s happened and that’s fucking moronic.

    It’d be like banning Spaniards from their own subs for saying "Tiene negro gato ".

  • I can say things like:

    “I like Brains faggots more than any other brand” and “Retard the accelerator” without my comment being deleted and/or Reddit-banned for hate-speech.

    I once got suspended from Reddit for saying: “The Scots weren’t innocent during the British Empire. They were used for a lot of rape & murder”.

    It was considered racist. Until I appealed with 2 academic history papers that showed the Scottish Highlanders were considered a “martial race” and were used extensively in colonial campaigns during the British Empire. I really don’t want to have to fucking educate dumb-as-brick Yank admins who don’t know history or language beyond their shores.

    I was finally site-suspended and can’t create new users because a mod accused me of evading a sub ban. I didn’t. Another mod just unbanned me cos the reason I got banned originally was idiotic. The mod didn’t care. Re-banned me so my 15yo account got permanently suspended by the admins.

    I’m done with that fucking site.

  • On DM-Deck16 map!! Firing rockets at the ground to jump up and over to the other side and blasting your mate point blank with the frag gun mid air. God I loved that game and it wasted HOURS of my uni time playing LAN matches across campus.

    I won every tournie we set up and played in the 1st year Halls.

    When I first got the original CS thoguh I lost my skill. I didn’t have the patience for one-shot kills. I rage quit everytime I’d get headshot. I realised I was good at tanking a shot then crazy-dodging and countering. You couldn’t do that in CS. So in UT I could take a shot, rocket jump in their direction and shotgun the bastard from behind before they knew what was happening. None of those skills transffered to CS where accuracy and cover was the main aim.

  • I feel like my brain is detoxing since coming here. In the literal and figurative sense.

    1. Addiction - I’d degenerated to just doom-scrolling reddit and rarely commenting cos the top 3 comments were unfunny puns with 12,000 others so it never felt worth it.
    2. Regaining Self - I’d become so outwardly sanitised I didn’t realise I’d stopped swearing entirely in my older comments. I used to pepper my comments with fuck, bitch, shit, cunt as I do in the real woirld. But with heavy penalties against words like “faggot” (which is fucking idiotic for Brits) I’d started to self-censor to the point I wasn’t being “me”.

    I’m not saying I hope it turns into 4chan.

    But I do hope it grows into the early days of Reddit. Where people only downvoted things they found useless rather than disagreeable. There were less self-made echo chambers with ultra-sanitised ‘drone-like’ users where everyone had the same unfunny opinion.