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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • I wonder if it has more to do with the fact that the more inputs are available, the more complicated and prone to error something is. Also, ChatGPT doesn’t “get tired” or at least not in the human meaning, I guess it could exhaust the memory of whatever its running on would be the closest analogy if my understanding is correct…

    Re:complexity, this is true of all things, and computer/programming stuff is no different. The more complex it is or the larger the dataset, the greater potential for noise vs signal

  • If something hits harder and faster, I’m pretty sure definitionally its more potent.

    Potency is a function of its effect relative to the amount used. Like this is more of “yes, AND” type deal, I’m not wrong and you’re right to elaborate that this is due to its increased abillity to permeate BBB

    different from dextroamphetamine

    Unless we’re getting into racemics , I’m saying its basically amphetamine + methyl group, lets not get so granular here

    Also, meth and amphetamine can be taken such that the doses are equipotent, it would just be less meth and more amphetamine by weight/dosage (all other things like ROA and context being equal)

    Re:Serotonin: I believe amphet and meth both affect serotonin dose dependant but I dont think there’s any way to say only meth also implicates serotonergic release or transmission