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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Im just going to step up and point out that I am not a podunk hillbilly living off the land. I am a well educated human being that left the city during the pandemic to keep all my food as local as possible (read: from my yard or my neighbors). I also sell at a farmstand on my own property, as well as donate to food pantries in my current area, the pantry for the neighborhood that raised me which is a food desert, and to my religiously affiliated (not a christian by any stretch, by the way) pantry.

    That said, I am not a European and maybe you have farmers/homesteaders out there that are like that-- but I kindly request you do not lump all of us into such a shit category.

    It’s not nice to make assumptions about a large group of people-- history has taught us that time and time again.

    On the massive corporate farms, however… no matter where-- you’re 100% correct.

  • I was never big on Twitter myself… I made an account when it first came out and never used it… and then for a high school unit for something we were required to make accounts (I graduated 10+ years ago… so that in and of itself is scary). I’ve never liked twitter. It always seemed to be screaming into the void.

    Mastodon I really appreciate the real conversations with real people, especially when they are interested in what I have to say. I made a post about getting rid of lawns and had people from all angles of the argument discussing with me about it. It felt… healthy?!

    Well, as healthy as internettin’ is.

  • I make one post a month on Facebook. Usually within the first couple days. This month’s was about how since the supreme court wanted to rule dumb last week, I was going to play along and disallow certain people from shopping at my etsy shop. Got me a handful of orders, too… which is nice.

    Reddit I just use still to check in on if any weird news happened… but that’s about it.