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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m a former mormon, and I can tell you that love bombing (from a cultists perspective) is never from ill intent. They are just trying to share “the truth” and they believe that if you adopt “the truth” everything about your life will be made better.

    If someone is love bombing you for an organization, first thing to do is investigate that organization. Read the stuff they don’t want you to read. Particularly, don’t pull that information from their media/materials. You should seek out the opinions of ex-members of the organization to get a real feel for what it’s all about.

    For example, imagine if the rotary club was trying to recruit you. What do you think an exrotarian would say? Well, you can google it. And, surprise, it’s mostly “Yeah, I moved and just sort of lost interest”.

    Now go visit /r/exmormon and see the miles of shit they have to say about previous membership.

    That, to me, is the acid test. Are exmembers that way because it was just sort of a “meh” event. Or did they get there because the organization was abusive?

  • If you’re interested, here’s a pretty good podcast episode that sat down with Dr. Janale Schmidt, a history professor who ultimately got the Robert e Lee statue melted down.

    [It Could Happen Here] Melting Charlottesville’s Robert E Lee Statue #itCouldHappenHere https://podcastaddict.com/it-could-happen-here/episode/171742565 via @PodcastAddict

    What I find fascinating about the whole story is she did not start with the goal of melting down the statue. In fact, this whole controversy was kicked off because the city of Charlottesville wanted to move the statue to a less prominent park, rather than having it in the center of the city.

    She talks about the journey of the statue and why ultimately they came to the conclusion that destruction was the right decision (including the fact that they observed these statues turning into racist shrines after the initial incident).

  • I believe that we should take the statues and move them into museums dedicated to history. We can’t change what happened before we got here, but we can clean up leftover shit and make the future a better place to live.

    Let me share 2 practical real reasons why that’s a bad idea.

    1. there are a LOT of these statues and these things are HEAVY. A responsible museum won’t accept this stuff because there’s simply not the room for it.

    2. The people that will accept it end up being the last people that should. Like stone mountain Park, which enshrines and worships these racist assholes.

    The very real problem is by having and concentrating this “artwork”, you create meeting spaces for white supremacists. Because ask yourself, WHO is going to and wants to experience the confederacy memorials?

    “Stop turning museums into the attic for your aunt’s racist junk”

  • Exactly, I demand better of him and I will probably vote for him. I really wonder though how someone that’s a Muslim or Palestinian can stomach voting for him. His policies around Israel are pretty much identical to what Trump would do which is a big deal for a lot of people. He’s basically saying “Forget that I let Israel murder and starve to death your loved ones, I’ve been pretty good when it comes to monopolies right?!?”.

    I’ll vote for him because he’s the better of two options, however, he has blood on his hands and that may just lose him a second term.

  • Ok, read what actually was said then come back.

    The headline is misleading. Biden simply said “I hope a ceasefire happens one day”. Which is a FAR cry from “demanding a ceasefire now”. He isn’t doing enough because he hasn’t been saying things like “We are planning on withdrawing aid from Israel if they keep up this offensive”. Instead it’s “Well golly gee I hope Hamas returns all the hostages for a 2 week ceasefire and no troop withdrawals by Israel.”

    But hey, at least he’s decided that he can say the word “ceasefire” Up until maybe a couple of weeks ago that was a forbidden word by the administration.