• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • “The cows don’t understand it” honestly that’s the point that makes it hard to believe daylight savings is for farmers the cows horses the crops and the chickens all don’t operate on daylight savings time if anything daylight savings time probably hurts farmers by giving them a nother thing to keep track of that makes it so you need to get adjusted real quick otherwise the cows are going to get over full of milk because the farmer watching the clock forgot its a hour behind what he got used to wouldn’t be surprised if some farmers in the past had two separate clocks one that got adjusted to daylight savings and the other shows the time the farm operated on

  • Honestly I’m starting to wonder if the reason why we got ourselves into a ad filled hell hole is because we expect soo much to be free and those things have to make money somehow and server space and the electricity they run on aren’t free and the only people willing to spend money are whales and advertisers and from what I’ve been told YouTube was never profitable on it’s own for Google and the only reason they’ve been keeping the site on is because it brings attention to other Google services while also preventing competition so I greatly think we’d all benefit from being open to paying for sites that are like YouTube so YouTube and advertisers have some real competitors I don’t know how a my theoreticall site would profit without ads but it’s still sad that sites like YouTube are expensive and unprofitable making it so Google is the only option solely because they can afford the loses making yt premium even more greedy