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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • cybersandwich@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlNixOS forked
    2 months ago

    Wait so people got butthurt that a company made a deal with nix. That company also does business with ICE. And people are mad at Nix?

    What am I missing?

    Also companies and open source entities do business with all manner of government(s) all the time.

  • cybersandwich@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldPost your Servernames!
    2 months ago

    “rocinante” for my proxmox host.

    “awkward, past his prime, and engaged in a task beyond his capacities.” From don Quixote’s wiki page.

    It seemed fitting considering it is a server built from old PC parts…engaged in tasks beyond its abilities.

    The rest of my servers (VMs moslty) are named for what they actually do/which vlan they are on (eg vm15) and aren’t fun or excitin names. But at least I know if I am on that VM it has access to that vlan(or that it’s segregated from my other networks).

  • I think the part about teams that bothers me the most is the broader o365, windows, onedrive, SharePoint etc “integration”. It’s so fucking bad.

    I never know where anything is saving. Locally? On my one drive? In a temp folder that is findable and that file doesn’t even show up as a recent file? Or is it on some weird SharePoint backend that teams is using? Am I having an offline copy or did I just inadvertently save a copy to the shared drive?

    It’s all just bad enough that it’s a horrendous overall user experience.

    It feels like MS gets in the way more than it let’s me do my job. I didn’t always feel this way.

    To top it off, the way people use it causes issues. Everyone does it differently. You could have people that use outlook for sending docs, people that use teams exclusively, people that use both, people that send share links in email, people that just tag you in some buried “team” you didn’t ever want to be a part of.

    Then they’re like “did you see the thing I sent you?” …

    Like fucking where?!? Where did you send it?! Let me go search for it–oh well search sucks, the activity feed is almost too verbose so meaningful things get buried too fast.

    Bleh. The amount of productivity lost to MS software offsets almost any productivity gain we get from it. It’s a “wash” at best these days.

  • There are some dumb responses in this thread. Lots of misplaced vitriol at Texas and farmers.

    You want to have people report this stuff? Don’t act like dickheads when they do.

    Stuff like this happens from time to time in agriculture. UK has issues with TB in dairy cows which requires them to cull herds. It’s really shitty and unfortunate but this type of thing has happened for millenia.

    It’s better that they report it so we can address it and find ways to prevent it happening in the future.

    And unless everyone is willing to go 100% vegan tomorrow, we need farmers, livestock, and the like to keep our meat and dairy supply flowing.


    I also want to point out that it doesn’t seem like.they definitively determined it came from the cows but that he was “link” and “exposed” to infected cows.

    “Genetic tests don’t suggest that the virus suddenly is spreading more easily or that it is causing more severe illness, Shah said. And current antiviral medications still seem to work, he added.”

    So this guy could have gotten it from the same bird the cows got it from as well. A dozen other people were tested and none came back positive.

    All other cases we’ve seen have come from bird contact. So there is a reasonable chance this guy got it from an infected bird without realizing it.

    Also, none of the cows have died (dunno if that’s a good thing or bad thing).