Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • I’m a caregiver for my mom, so I work in the home. I turned off all notifications. Texts, calls, all of it. If I leave the house, I’ll unmute so I know if she calls me, because she may need actual help with something, but even then, it’s literally just her on Whatsapp that goes through, nothing else.

    I’ve never felt like I had a healthier relationship with my phone. I tend to scroll a little too much on Lemmy, watch too many YouTube shorts in the bathroom or while I’m cooking, but other than that, I feel like a normal human again for the first time since ~2010

  • In order, but not quoting because mobile app and lazy:


    I said some.

    They were both liberal, in that they were both proponents of liberalism, as in “liberal democracy.” Not liberalism as left of center. Liberalism as in market economies and private property.

    I’m also not necessarily associating liberalism as a whole to fascism. All zits are zots, but not all zots are zits, you dig? Fascism is an outgrowth of liberalism and capitalism, but it doesn’t mean liberalism is fascistic or that it is inevitable. It means that when liberalism is threatened, in decline, backed into a corner by its own contradictions, fascism is one way that it defends itself so that the status quo can be maintained. It just depends on which part of the status society/the ruling class/those in charge value more. The personal freedom bit, the private property bit, the lifestyle of the rich bit? Social democracy is another way that liberalism defends itself, favored by those who value the other end of the spectrum. Fascism is a reaction to growing tensions around those contradictions and growing support for things like social democracy and actual socialism.

    Also, this article specifically cites neo liberalism, an ideology of its own, and an outgrowth of liberalism, but liberalism itself. The shittiest form liberalism takes without going full fash IMHO, but it’s hard to define “shitty” in any sort of academic sense. But fuck Reagan and Thatcher.

  • Some of the comments in this thread really tell you why it takes a novel laureate to say this. Some of y’all do not have a basic understanding of history, economic systems, or what the term reactionary actually means.

    The correct response to “neo liberal capitalism has contributed to the rise of fascism” should be “no shit, Sherlock”

    It’s truly sad that that isn’t 100% of the comments here.

    Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleed, y’all. That doesn’t mean all liberals are fascist, that means that fascism is an outgrowth of liberalism.

    And just in case y’all also don’t know what that means, “liberalism” in that context isn’t “Obama liberal, Bush conservative,” it means the political ideology of liberalism, of which both Bush and Obama were proponents of.

    ETA: I’m not engaging anymore… it’s not my job to teach y’all the difference between an economic system and authoritarian states. Also, your magic has no power here, I am an anarchist, not a stalinist. Please educate yourselves. If for no other reason, do it to make it easier to pwn the tankies or whatever the fuck

  • This is why I still don’t know more about computers. Lol. Switched to using Linux as my primary years ago, thinking “I’ll learn more about how computers work, and become better at this by forcing myself to use Linux.” Found Ubuntu, it worked well, then found mint, it worked so well I never needed to actually do anything, and switched to fedora when I realized how much I like Gnome, and still never needed to actually do anything, because shit just works. Once you’ve made the switch, Linux is super unobtrusive. It’s just sorta there, in the background, doing everything for you while you play YouTube videos or watch porn. Lol. I still don’t know much about computers, but I now recommend every switch, because seriously, almost no one is computer illiterate enough not to be able to use mint or Fedora.