I only remember two of my professors using it, and I has to ask the first one what that mean and explain to my classmates on the second one.
I only remember two of my professors using it, and I has to ask the first one what that mean and explain to my classmates on the second one.
Some people in mathematics use := to assign functions, like f(x) := x^2; then when evaluating the function you use f(2) = 4, because it can be ser as a “true” comparison
Op, if you’re going to repost this meme is your responsibility to add a new element.
A lesser dog
Just guessing, but maybe the gun lobby is not bigger because the voter base is already big and easy to move, so they don’t need to lobby politicians when they can treat them to be voted out.
Parts of old games.
You would guess that someone who scape north Korea would had some benefits for reintegration, akin Cubans thar manage to get into mainland US. At least for the propaganda, you can bet NK is going to use him as example of why there better that SK.
I saw that piece with my wife and just told her someone broke it and her reaction was “wait, that was actual ceramic? I always tough it was PVC”
Damn, I saw that piece in Rio de Janeiro years ago. The banner on my profile if from that same exposition. There were also other things made of ceramic like a teddy bear and a security camera. Iirc, one of the pieces was a pendrive with a backup of wikileaks.
Pretty sure Macron wanted the far right to win to hand over the country to them, even after they fucked up everything as they always do, he could come back saying that he’s going to fix the country. When the left won, he just gave the power to the right anyway.
I tough they canceled it in the weeks after the outrage
What will happen with f-droid apps?
Pokémon Join Your Union when?
What a shame seeing SuccessCrab on the nuked section. They’re my go to since the release of Snowpiercer.
I had the fortune of being hired to build up from zero my department, and one of the first “rules” I made was all dates are ISO-8601 and now every process runs with 8601, if you use anything different your code is going to fail eventually when it finds another column date in 8601.
My professor uses Openboard and it’s look really good
That’s exactly what you’re doing, training the AIs to identify that.
Wendover productions video about drone warfare: https://youtube.com/watch?v=kFSR6OuWVQ4
Don’t remember what language uses === to check if two objects have the same memory id assigned. Like a = 1, b= 1 would give true to a == b but false to a === b; while a = 1, b = a, would give true to both.