• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • It’s monkey-brain thinking taking over

    This is far more needlessly cruel than nature, monkeys are highly evolved for an extraordinarily challenging, diverse landscape with many threats and opportunities. They are not primitive enough to have their minds broken by cancerous ideologies that make them behave against the survival of themselves and their species.

    What we are talking about is not primitive behavior, it is a hostile contagion composed of ideas rather than bacteria or viruses.

  • Please come back after you’ve worked in any customer service position interacting with the general populace. Plenty of smart folks out there, but just as many people that absolutely are not.

    I have, people are enraging sometimes but also people are fucking stressed as hell these days, I think overall people try to get along as best they can, even when working customer service where you meet insane people and need to rant about them after work because it breaks your brain how stupid they are from your perspective…. but that is life, a lot of people are hurting at least in my country (US). I don’t blame people for falling apart or making stupid choices because they don’t have the energy or alacrity left in their bodies after work to function.

    Yeah there are assholes, I am not some naive fool who trusts everybody, but I am sorry I just aggressively don’t agree with this endlessly repetitive narrative that the average person is a lazy, dumb piece of shit. I know people like that, but the real ones, who could have lived a much easier life but chose to be an asshole just because, are actually pretty rare.

    Plenty of people are landscapes of trauma (like me) even just from the trauma of always being stressed about money, and I just don’t feel like when that pushes people to do stupid irrational things that that really is an indicator those people were stupid, morally deficient or lacking in industriousness.

  • It doesn’t matter where you live, we are all the same species of animal and the brain in our skull that we like to lament as stupid when we make general statements about the intelligence of the public around us is an extraordinary thing.

    I get people’s cynicism and I am kind of annoyed people think I live in a fairytale lol, I just see humans around me trying to live their lives and being mediocre humans…. and the intelligence of mediocre humans is nothing to dismiss.

    People are smart as fuck, conservative and hateful ideologies do make people behave like idiots but I mean I don’t fault the human brain for getting brainworms when the brainworms are firehoused (one might say trickling down at a rapid rate) at everyone by the wealthiest people in the world 24/7.

    Also yo are you seriously looking for me to give you the average IQ of the population around me? This feels like two steps from getting out calipers and measuring people’s skulls to determine their intelligence. I agree, let’s NOT stick our heads in the sand.

  • Yeah probably but literally that is so fucking insulting to me that companies/copyright behave this way, the human brain is extraordinarily complex, the idea that seeing a character recreated in a sandbox by a 3rd party modder could “warp” my thinking about Nintendo characters or games is basically a slap in the face by Nintendo.

    Like… if you see a dumb meme with Mario in it, do you think “huh, maybe I shouldn’t buy Nintendo games, Mario is tarnished forever for me” …?. No, and what makes me think that is *this bullshit. I will never give Nintendo money because of the way they behave like this.

    I mean I have a steam deck so I have no reason to get a switch or anything so whatever no big loss.

  • I know I am throwing stones in glass houses because I am saying this as a person from the US, but wow Germany is a really scary country, it seems like the culture is always extremely primed to radicalize its young men into serious violence around an obsession with masculine and machine strength/purity.

    The US is a scarier country in most respects, and certainly has the same issue, but Germany is a much older culture and these brainworms seem to have ingrained deeper into their cultural mindset in some ways.

    Are leftist movements growing to a similar degree among young people in Germany?

  • I know in steam you can set the order of controllers (player 1, 2, 3, 4) but I can’t remember if you can set controllers to the same player.

    At any rate you can map both controllers to output keyboard commands and then have the game receive input from mouse and keyboard and then the game will think it is receiving input from only one device.

  • organice is front end that runs entirely in a mobile or desktop browser that allows you to access and edit org files easily with a touchscreen or mouse and keyboard. It obviously doesn’t have full org mode functionality, but it does a have a calendar view.


    All you have to do is navigate to https://organice.200ok.ch in your phone’s browser and then pin it to your start screen. The PWA is downloaded and you can now access a remote webdav server with the locally saved front end of organice. No data is sent to organice, the only function of the website is to give you an easy place to download the PWA to your device using a web browser.

    I love love love love org mode, it is just simple yet so powerful and there really is nothing else like it, I can’t really recommend anything else in good conscience here, especially since most other options (except for logseq https://logseq.com/ which I am not sure does everything you want?) are commercial and who knows what the hell will happen when the company goes out of business or is bought out by someone else?

    I recommend Spacemacs or Doom emacs as a nice starting point for emacs, or you can just start with basic emacs and build it yourself as org mode is included in the default distribution of emacs.

    An additional thing to think about, there is an android release of emacs coming up, so org mode might get much more accessible on the go in the future!

    No worries if you aren’t interested, I am just providing some additional context.



    This video is a great thorough but approachable explanation of why org mode is so special:


  • What you are missing is that you think I am suggesting stochastic terrorism or something. That doesn’t scare the rich, they can always build a bigger fence and pay more security guards.

    What scares the rich is when they see that the fault lines they are using to vent steam (redirect the suffering and anger) are beginning to close into a wall of solidarity, and we are beginning to realize that as much as we despise each other and can’t agree on religion, ideologies, values… whatever… that we realize that none of that matters until we all deal with the rich people problem.

    Solidarity and a direct understanding of the class war we are in is what scares the rich.

  • I think anything meaningful has to start from local mutual aid networks, creates connections with your neighbors under the assumption that we need to take care of each other, we can’t assume the system will be functional.

    Even if your goal isn’t directly to organize locally, it is a prerequisite to getting pretty much anything meaningful done (which I kind of hate because when people call it “organizing” they aren’t kidding, and I hate organizing things lol) because whatever meaningful thing you want to happen will inevitably be implemented on a human level through those local connections.

  • dumpsterlid@lemmy.worldtoShowerthoughts@lemmy.worldRemoved by mod
    3 months ago

    Better shower thought: When the rich push the cost of housing high enough that a good portion of a society is one or two crises away from being homeless the best economic policy for fixing the situation is making the rich scared as fuck so whatever compromise we put on the table looks much more appealing than what the general public is threatening to do to the rich in the streets.