Elden Ring really got this right by playing the cool cut scene once and then every attempt after goes straight into the fight. Could’ve done with closer sites/shrines in a few of the fights, though
Elden Ring really got this right by playing the cool cut scene once and then every attempt after goes straight into the fight. Could’ve done with closer sites/shrines in a few of the fights, though
Truthfully? I’d bet an uncomfortable percentage of all people fall for common email scams all the time. But trumps base doesn’t represent 50% of the country. More accurately, 33% of Americans fall for it, 33% push against it, and 33% don’t think it’s a big enough problem to mail in a form letter once every 4 years.
Those people sold it to musk. They were tech bros whose goal from the start was to get a massive buyout and bail. They don’t deserve your respect anymore than musk does.
There are 2 important words there that you’re missing.
As shitty as it is, yes.
There’s yet another meaning of “just” - unrelated to anything else. The comment read like it was dismissing any relation to the war at all. If that’s not what you meant, than fair enough.
“Just decided”, like they made the decision on a whim? It’s naive at best to pretend like this isn’t because of Russia’s 2+ years of war crimes and sabre rattling at anyone that looks at them funny or happens to share a border.
You can have one tasteless cracker.
In short - a lot.
It’s funny when you die in the nether lava ocean and have to go on a sand excavation to get your stuff back.
The only thing having a native steam game gets you is the community submitted layouts for steam input, and you can get those pretty easily with some messing with game titles. Even without any of that, though, you can edit the controls to whatever you want.
That is interesting. Thanks for the extra info!
Huh, I wasn’t aware that 4090s use similar tech. That sheds light on a few things. Thanks!
The game is rendered at a lower resolution, this saves a lot of resources.
Then dedicated AI cores or even special AI scaler chips get used to upscale the image back to the requested resolution.
I get that much. Or at least, I get that’s the intention.
This is a fixed cost and can be done with little power since the components are designed to do this task.
This us the part I struggle to believe/understand. I’m roughly aware of how resource intensive upscaling is on locally hosted models. The necessary tech/resources to do that to 4k+ in real time (120+ fps) seems at least equivalent, if not more expensive, to just rendering it that way in the first place. Are these “scaler chips” really that much more advanced/efficient?
Further questions aside, I appreciate the explanation. Thanks!
Is there an eli5 on how “ai upscaling” is less (or even equally) technologically demanding than just putting in better hardware?
They can’t even properly check their copy on critical infrastructure. Top notch work over there, top to bottom.
I’m not blaming employees here, but if GS is specifically marketing older games, they should be taking measures to ensure authenticity. Not that I think anyone should trust GS at this point. Still good to hold them accountable.
Friendly fyi - it’s just ‘arc’. Arch is used with structural things like bridges. It could also be used to describe the attitude of an over the top antagonist.
clear collusion
It’s less so “collusion” than it is “a billionaire brat using their obscene wealth and plethora of businesses to strong arm their way out of any accountability”. We can’t consider starlink a “good thing” because it will always be part of that, and any group or government relying on it to any degree should take note.
On the one hand, putting absolute faith into an llm and regurgitating anything it says as fact is just stupidity manifest. On the other, holding customers liable for their own shitty llm is hilariously duplicitous.
Maybe, if this is a known issue, LI shouldn’t be pushing this crap on their platform in the first place, yeah? But some higher up already fully bought in to the grift and to pull back now would be admitting they got dupped, which will never happen of course.