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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • For people coming from windows i think linux mint is the best choice.

    Gimp, blender and vscode works well on linux

    U can code dart/flutter with no problems on vscode on linux, android studio also works fine if you need to export to android.

    For file manager i use nemo (default on mint cinnamon).

    Other software mentioned i have no idea.

  • The script attempted to modify a div’s background color using document.body.removeChild, but as the script was loaded in the HTML head, the DOM had not loaded

    Isn’t that how it works/always worked? When i was learning html/js ages ago i had to use some event listener (DOMContentLoaded i think) or put the script just before </body> (for any code that should run on load and interacts with the DOM).

    And how do you change the background by removing a child?

  • I think Dota doesn’t run on proton, i had no problems running the native linux version with my laptop intel i7 + nvidia 1050ti, but it was on X11, u can probably choose that on login screen.

    What i think you need from a fresh install (i don’t remember exactly what i did at the time):

    • enable multilib
    • install nvidia package or nvidia-lts depending on which kernel you’re using, or nvidia-dkms plus headers of your kernel
    • install nvidia-settings nvidia-utils lib32-nvidia-utils nvidia-prime (never used bumblebee i just use prime-run)
    • install steam or steam-native-runtime
    • install game on steam, change launch command to prime-run %command%