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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • Walled gardens are inherantly designed to exclude communities and drive classism. Want to view this picture? Sorry you can’t because you dsint pay the fee. Want to chat with this group? Sorry were going to make inconvienent to everyone involved that you didn’t pay the fee.

    The end goal is to split people up into have and have nots in order to drive desire for your product with little thougt given to the poorer communies it disenfranchises. Your attitude is the boomer “fuck you. Got mine” one.

  • I don’t think people like the walled garden. I think they don’t know what it is even. They assume they can’t buy a competitors headset/watch/tv because it won’t work, and often they’re probably right because apple refuses use open protocols. But I don’t think they draw the line between the two. It’s not because of apple refusing to implement something it doesn’t work. It’s because “the competitor is bad”, or because they don’t have the “deep integration” between the two or something. It never occurs to them that if you just make the API public it suddenly “just works” for everyone.

  • I mean, it’s more complicated than that. Both declared themselves victor. Mainland went communist. The west couldn’t live with that so they propped up to authoritarian govt of Taiwan and ignored the communist government for 30 years, funding the murder of hundreds of thousands of dissidents. They couldn’t “capture” it without dragging themselves into the US’s cold war fever.

    It’s only been the last 40 years that Taiwan has become democratic, and only the last 10-20 that the parties who wanted unification started to lose elections. Even then they keep wavering back and forth in elections some trying to tie more to China and some trying to break off entirely afaict.