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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • They dont need to know any commands.

    Everything in Linux is point and click. There’s an app store where you’ll find everything you’ll need. You will not need to open the terminal at all. All drivers will get installed through the OS.

    Only things which do not work are the keyboard software and stuff to map macros to your keys and/or mouse buttons ans tweak the colours. Like the Razor software.

    Distros like Ubuntu, popos, Linux mint are incredibly beginner friendly. There are, without a doubt, others.

    They didn’t need to know any cmd/powershell commands using windows and they definitely don’t need to know how to use a Linux terminal to browse/mail/install software on Linux.

  • There’s also the option of setting up a cloudflare tunnel and only exposing immich over that tunnel. The HTTPS certificate is handled by cloudflare and you’d need to use the cloudflare DNS name servers as your domains name servers.

    Note that the means cloudflare will proxy to you and essentially become a man-in-the-middle. You – HTTPS --> cloudflare --http–> homelab-immich. The connection between you and cloudflare could be encrypted as well, but cloudflare remains the man-in-the-middle and can see all data that passes by.

  • The thing is that it was enforced right at the beginning. There was a period where you couldn’t play without a PSN account, before they made it optional while Sony rolled out more infrastructure to handle the player numbers.

    That’s what I heard as well. I was a bit dumbfounded when I read that it suddenly became mandatory.

    I think Arrowhead screwed up because they didn’t know that PSN accounts aren’t available everywhere and so were selling the game in places that couldn’t play it unknowingly.

    I think this is the most plausible reasoning. It’s what I’m thinking as well, and also what seems to appear through the CM. In which case it is a screwup on their end. Though in 2024 I do get you’d expect people to be able make an account anywhere in the world for a company like Sony.

    Steam is usually pretty good about refunds and has apparently already pulled the game from the store in places where you can’t make a PSN account, so I imagine they’re planning to refund the game. This looks like the kind of thing that could be class-action lawsuit worthy.

    If they did that’s good on them, but not wholly their responsibility. It is a good move to prevent new purchases they’d have to refund anyway ( or until there is clarity on what will happen in those regions ). I would kind of expect the publisher to do this once they figured out this was possible though :/

  • That is true, but it I’d an additional hurdle. Sony is playing it smart.

    They made an announcement and had a bunch of Outrage now. If they had just enforced it people would have refunded on mass probably. Now people can still actually play.

    I’m guessing steam might be less eager to refund when the actual deadline hits. I also feel like a lot of people will just cave and link/create the account.

    That’s definitely what Sony is expecting. And it’s also what I’m hearing from friends. That they dont want to, but that it’s a fun game ans they’d rather keep playing with friends.