Stirnerian Egoist looking for self satisfaction. Gimme Chinese xianxia novels and romantic K-dramas please.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Of course. Your idea is THE idea. You CANNOT get mass adoption without a minimal amount of hops. You won’t get the hordes of pirates running around reading wikis on how to configure their router for piracy and how to get an i2p provider and how to get an index etc.

    Torrenting right now is so broadly adopted because you just download a Torrenting client, click the magnet, click OK and you’re good to go.

    If you HAD to set up port forwarding, some magnet handling register in windows preferences, just those two would stop the bulk majority of pirates. And that’s not even 1/4 of what you have to do to use i2p correctly.

  • Ironically I have a railroad-like icon beside anyone who uses I hadn’t even noticed the similarity between it and a railroad. It is fate. You have, while sitting on the railroads, accidentally gotten them right up there. The solution is to swallow some train wheels so they can get attached to your poop and they will come out rolling right through the railroad. This will lessen the effort on your sphincter and make your bathroom rotations much smoother. And we’re on “shit just works”, maybe your shit can also get to work on the railroad by becoming a train. I also happen to know @Shit. I told him before that he just works. Fuck, we got the full thing going on.

  • That’s actually a great argument: an AI is trained without permission on the result of people’s labor, and is thus able to intercept the need for this labor and take away financial opportunities derived thereof. Therefore, An AI’s labor and its profit could be argued to contain, in the percentage that an AI is the content of its training, a portion that is proportionately belonging to those who did this labor its obscure process is based on. Therefore, an AI’s master should take a portion of its revenue as royalties and distribute them to the “people’s council” which in this case is just the government, for it to redistributed accordingly.

  • I am like that. I have a job, I can’t do it most of the time because I’m on Lemmy or Reddit or YouTube or Overwatch, etc., but if I really really need to do it, I close everything, and open it again, then close it again and basically torture myself into focusing on it, and by the time I realize, I’m kinda focused on it, until I’m too tired and then that’s it, I can’t focus any longer for the rest of the day.

  • I asked ChatGPT to summarize it into 2 sentences:

    The video suggests that the cure for procrastination is embracing boredom and removing all distractions, making the task at hand the only available “entertainment”. By changing our environment and eliminating the “back doors” our brain uses to escape tedious tasks, we can trick our minds into perceiving these tasks as more engaging and fulfilling.

    I then asked it to turn it into a blog format, pasted it below if you’re curious.

    Click to read

    The Unconventional Cure for Procrastination

    We’ve all been there, staring at a task we know we should be doing but just can’t seem to motivate ourselves to start. It’s not that we’re clueless about what needs to be done. Instead, we face a powerful feeling of resistance when it comes to tasks that are good for us. This resistance can make such tasks feel utterly boring compared to the multitude of distractions available at our fingertips.

    The Problem with Common Strategies

    A common thread in self-improvement advice tends to focus on various tactics to trick the brain into getting the job done – setting timers, trying to shift our thoughts towards positivity, and so forth. However, these strategies often lose their effectiveness after a while. So, is there a surefire strategy that consistently works?

    The Unlikely Solution: Boredom

    Ironically, the answer is both the problem and the solution: boredom. The truth is, our brains don’t perceive entertainment in absolute terms. It’s all relative. Think of it as akin to our perception of light. After spending hours in the sun, a dimly lit room seems extremely dark. Alternatively, if you wake up in the middle of the night and turn on the lights, they’re blinding, even though they’re the same as they were before you went to sleep. Our brains work on contrasts and comparisons.

    Applying the Boredom Principle

    Applying this principle to overcoming procrastination, the key is to eliminate distractions - the ‘back doors’ your brain is using to escape the ‘boring’ task. If you sit in a room with no phone, no games, no other options, you’re likely to start on the task you need to do, simply because it becomes more entertaining compared to doing absolutely nothing.

    Backing up this theory, a study published in Science in 2014 showed that people prefer to electrocute themselves rather than sit alone in a room with their thoughts – a stark indicator of how much we humans detest boredom.

    The Power of Environmental Conditioning

    One of the most productive periods of my life was when I lived in a small basement with no distractions, and all I had to do was edit videos. The lack of distractions made editing videos feel entertaining and fulfilling. This personal experience aligns with the concept of our brain making whatever our only option is as entertaining as it needs to survive boredom.

    The Strategy in Action

    So, if you’re struggling with procrastination, consider this: eliminate all distractions and back doors. Turn off your phone, hide the toolbar on your computer, make your task the most ‘entertaining’ thing available, and watch how your perception changes. You might just find it makes your life more fulfilling and engaging than ever before.

    Remember, productivity isn’t about denying ourselves entertainment; it’s about changing our perspective on what is truly entertaining and fulfilling.