• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • The following is just my opinon on all this, but the way that I see it is that W4 represents industry priorities in the engine. In this example, the industry needs strong console support or cloud gaming and is willing to invest in it; or previously DirectX support. The Godot Foundation ensures that godot is able to focus on non-industry needs as well as community management. So they technically both contribute to the engine, but dont really overlap with each other cause they represent different groups who need to do different things with the same engine. That said - interop is needed as well because it is the same engine. ATM I trust juan and crew and the buracracy that is being built around godot to protect it and us while maintaining momentum.

  • Currently using Nobara OS and Vanilla OS. I really like Nobara because Fedora is a well supported OS (Thanks RHEL) and Nobara made setting up fedora really easy on my AMD CPU/ Nvida GPU. The only other ones which I liked as far as the out-of-the-box experience was: Endeavor OS for Arch-based and Zorin OS for Ubuntu-based. I appreciate Vanilla OS, and while they are pitching it as something for beginners; it is absolutely not. You need to understand at a basic level the relationship between containers and the host system, apx is a beautiful piece of software which makes containers incredibly easy to use, but you still need have a basic understanding. You also need to know when to interface with the host system, e.g installing gnome-tweaks. You also need to know when the default Ubuntu container isn’t the best container to use. That said, the transaction system for manipulating the two root directories and most software being siloed off in containers ensures that the shitty laptop I am using hasn’t ran into the many issues I have had in the past with it breaking updates randomly.