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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Oh yeah it’s on there 3 times. I’ve even tried to retrain them again several times since I got it. Just doesn’t like that finger for whatever reason. Can’t see any reason why looking at it, but it’s extremely annoying since it’s the most convenient finger.

    The screen sensor is also noticeably slower than the rear sensor from older models, and I do have more issues with other fingers occasionally. I much prefer the placement of the rear sensor as well. I rarely use the phone while it is sitting on the table, and was able to unlock the phone while still pulling it out of my pocket with the rear sensor since there was an actual physical spot for it you could feel, not just a specific spot on the glass.

    Easily the biggest step down for usability with the Pixels in my opinion.

  • To be fair, the US President doesn’t have nearly as much power to actually accomplish things like many people think, at least domestically. Congress has the actual power, whether they utilize it well or not. The President has to work with Congress to actually get things accomplished, and Congress controls the money.

    International relations and war, those are things the President more directly controls, and even then Congress has some control of things like approving weapons sales (again, the money).

    The Legislative Branch makes the laws, the Executive branch implements them (and the modern Judicial decides based on their personal beliefs whether they’ll let it happen, or find some flimsy justification to prevent it).

  • Putin clearly started to believe his own country’s internal propaganda. Despite being inside the Soviet Union, and actually being part of the systemic lies to project false power, he started to believe what he was being told. As if the systems built on had fundamentally changed after the fall ad his rise to power.

    There were a lot of delays getting international supplies to Ukraine at the beginning of the conflict, yet Russia still couldn’t get close to their goal even with an extended timeframe. Once those supplies began to arrive, Russia was never going to be able to achieve their goal like they thought, but Putin’s ego won’t let him admit he was fooled by his own bullshit propaganda machine.

  • This is exactly the kind of issue that the average person might deal with, or it will be a deal breaker and they’ll never try again. Even if you can customize something via a config file, the average user will never do that. If there is no easy GUI in a normal location (like system settings) for something they want to adjust, it might as well not exist.

    Average users either will accept all the inconveniences, or none. If it is more inconvenient than what they are used to right off the bat, they will go back and never try again.

  • Until something breaks, or doesn’t have a GUI. The average user seeing a terminal means they will abandon it. And even if they are willing to handle a terminal to fix an issue, the toxic community members that flock to be the first to respond condescendingly to new users will turn them away permanently.

    Linux communities have some of the most helpful users, but they also have people worse than a League of Legends game. And all it takes is one of them to turn the average person away forever.

  • From my understanding as a general citizen, who owns several firearms but purchased them all from stores, and has done some research but not a lot…

    A license is not required for most firearms and many/most states don’t require registering firearms at all. Unless you’re getting into things that require special federal licenses.

    Gun shows are a massive loophole in existing background check requirements for purchasing from stores, because sales there are instead classified as private sales. Even if you’re purchasing from a business at the show. And private sales aren’t required to run background checks. No expectation for an individual selling a firearm to have to pay to run a check on who they are selling to, so no requirement for private sales.

  • Exactly, and let’s give them the benefit of the doubt since we don’t know. The librarian or assistant helping OP probably just doesn’t know much about the IT stuff other than how to help people get on the wifi. And it is entirely possible that they’re NEVER seen anyone even try the port before, that’s not common at all. Actually managing the IT infrastructure at that level is almost surely NOT part of their job.

    WiFi has been included in essentially everything for over a decade. I mean even ignoring laptops having Wifi way before mobile devices, even going back to the origin of smartphones for the masses, the original iPhone had Wifi back in 2007, that’s 17 years ago.