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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Exactly this. Put any one species into a tiny depressing enclosure with way too many strangers and way too little food, and they will fight and establish a pecking order eventually. This has nothing to do with how the same species would behave in the wild and with enough resources to live comfortably, and the author realized that mistake years ago and is since trying to correct it.

    But I guess the entire “alpha male” thing is just too popular with certain people … ahem.

  • After looking through the comments here, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you just don’t understand what you’re saying, because you seem to be under the impression that “defederating” means that noone that isn’t subscribed to the defederating instance will have access to the content anymore. (e.g. Instance A cuts ties with Instance B and C so people with accounts on Instance B and C can no longer read what is published on Instance A)

    This is not how it works.

    You can browse all instances without even having an account on any of them so absolutely noone loses access to anything. The only thing you temporarily(!) lose is the ability to WRITE anything on the defederated instance, but you can just make an account there anytime you want.

    So when Instance A cuts ties with Instance B and C, people with accounts on A can no longer WRITE anything in communities on B and C, but everyone can still READ everything, and if you happen to have an account on Instance B and want to write something on Instance A, you can just create an account there.

    Spending ten seconds on creating an account is not censorship.

  • Actually, you don’t even need to change the price to get customers to buy something “on sale”. The supermarket I’ve worked in for a couple of years regularily advertised a certain brand of soft ice cream this way (not going to say any names here). “Only 2,99€ this week” (without comparing that price to anything in particular) and people bought that stuff en masse, even tho that was the exact same price as the week before, and the same price again after the “sale”. The only thing that changed during the “sale” week was the color of the price tag.

    Laws regarding these types of advertising only work if customers actually compare prices, and most just don’t do that.