I genuinely think that’s a noble sentiment and I share that concern. However, this would entail making a deal with the Devil at this point, and pretty much literally.
Most if not all relevant models nowadays are owned by outwardly unscrupulous people, which means any correct interaction we have with their models only serves to build up the Devil’s throne.
It is a downright tragedy that people will suffer as a result of said models, but that fault is not on us. Besides the fact that they’re essentially stealing labour and data in order to train their models, they’re also using them to dish out propaganda, to replace workers and throwing them in a ditch, to cause yet another financial bubble which’ll flush the toilet when it inevitably pops - again.
We need to let them fail, otherwise we are just encouraging others to use us in the same exact ways.
This would imply that they’re not surrounded by other pots filled with water which is (varying degrees of) boiling. We don’t really have a Socialist Utopia meeting spot, let’s say.
Beyond that, eloping requires a not insignificant amount of money (as a Romanian, I can say that homes/apartments aren’t cheap here, either, and we’re not exactly L.A.)
And at the other end of the line, immigration’s not exactly thought of with fondness, even in Europe. Don’t forget, we’re stewing in our own pot even if the heat’s still relatively tolerable.