Which bias checker do you recommend?
Which bias checker do you recommend?
What tool is that bias checker?
I’m shifting my old 2012 Mac Pro to Linux and, while mostly a smooth transition, firmware and drivers are the only real headache.
Wezterm is my daily driver.
I’ve been working through this on my old 2012 Mac Pro. My issue has been my graphics card. In that era any non-mac graphics card won’t give you the boot-screen you need to choose which OS to use, or even to choose a USB boot for installing the Linux os. I got Refind (a super light bootloader) to work with a bit of extra tooling. You can also use opencore, but that is more challenging and makes a lot more changes.
For real. Are they trying to make me NOT want to be that guy, cause…
Yeah, proper cohort attribution seems to be a little lacking by this data analyst. I’d say gender bias has already occured before your specific sample point… bro
Pop! Os user going on a year now and I can’t recommend it enough, at least as a first distro.
Good point. I can see that.
I tried Ubuntu in college and people told me it was a phase… joke’s on them.
Why? No worse than any other job market right now. Sure Google layoffs get headlines but it’s not like tech skill are getting any less employable across sectors. If anything those skills are more critical now than ever.
Can we roll back to “big data”? That felt promising because the implication was a human would be guiding it and interpreting it.
Test strips. PSA: Everyone should test their drugs and carry narcan.
Poor education and ultimately lack of trust. Distrust in our institutions, our fellow citizens, fellow humans, has been sewn for decades. The undercurrent of fear that propels these figures into power can’t be overstated. People need to stop being so fucking afraid of each other… easier said than done.
I’m not sure we are thinking the same thing when it comes to “AI safety”.
What indications do you see of “too much AI safety?” I am struggling to see any meaningful, legally robust, or otherwise cohesive AI safety whatsoever.
I was doing a similar breakdown back when I bought my System76. The difference was upgradability. If I ever thought I might need more RAM I’d have to buy that up front on the MacBook air, putting its price over 1,700 off the shelf for the max ram. System76 cost close to the base MacBook air model, but I can add RAM and upgrades at my choosing, find the best price, and install them myself when I need them. That was worth it for me.
It can still drag way too many people down to its level though…
“Hiding” doesn’t justify killing civilians.
So a .config file that you can transfer between phones then right? Right, Samsung…?