the conflation of ‘normal’ with ‘okay’ is sickening to me. unfortunately, this is normal now.
and that should set off fucking air raid sirens in every single person’s head.
the conflation of ‘normal’ with ‘okay’ is sickening to me. unfortunately, this is normal now.
and that should set off fucking air raid sirens in every single person’s head.
yeah, I can’t say ‘libertarian communist’ or people will be like ‘do you mean ephebophile communist? how does that even work?’.
they have to steal our names for shit, because they always do horrible shit under their own.
laws will never protect the people who need it. every community should be on the lookout for this shit. everything should turn against you when you do a fascism. if you want to spread fear of everything as an excuse to murder the weak to make you feel good, there should be no inch of the world where you are safe.
like, a lot of the nazi shit here in the united states WAS against the law. that didn’t help. just a bunch of wrist slaps.
yeah but what if it makes me uncomfortable, so I would rather look away and let it happen again, and you’re a big dumb meanie-pants for putting evidence of the consequences of my actions where I can see them? what then, huh?
hey, yeah, so, my people were also slaughtered by the nazis. some of the first, actually. and again by reaganites. I have watched loved ones die slowly and horribly with my own eyes in non-nazi-related deaths. like actually seen smelled touched it, not just heard stories from grandma.
and I would rather see this shit if it reminds people the stakes of current politics. also, that’s a nazi in the pic, it just happens it also got kiled because of nazi shit.
but also, and im not a mod of anything and this would probably get you banned a lot of places:
nazi shit needs to be shown for what it is. no more looking away. a century of looking away and pretending it couldn’t happen here, that it wasn’t happening here, that it was just about ‘ethics in games journalism’ or whatever bullshit is what got us here. show that shit.
if we keep looking away, we will keep letting it happen. I would rather see a few old photos of gore a bunch of times than have to smell them, or risk being them, every time I go outside. a state of affairs which we are perilously fucking close to.
edit: so please; post more gore. you might just be saving lives!
never cry over spilled nazi.
christianity, since the roman empire adopted it at the very least, has been mostly a tool of appropriating warm fuzzy feelings and directing them towards a king.
capitalism was always been into lack of competition. it’s not about markets, that’s a more modern bullshit invention. it’s about valuing ownership over labor. caring about the nobility rather than the peasants’ labor, but with more contrivance.
mood on the free speech.
why is it crazy? what benefit do you see from ‘prosperity’? how much of each of those tourist dollars goes to you? if you don’t have any investment in the system thriving, what reason do you have to not bleed it every chance you get? what of their policies actually provides benefit to you, and how much effort do they demand for what they offer? ask this of your employers, your governments, and every aspect of your society, if you want a world that works for you.
you could also consider creating a militant (as in, try to get some artillery) tenant’s union and reclaim your living space from your landlords.
punish the fucking pigs anyway.
wait, are you telling me the liberals weren’t steadfast absolute allies? that they didn’t really believe in helping us, or anything else, ever?
none of what you listed is new
yes that’s exactly the point. two of these are from the 90s, one is from like 2001. old enough to have good credit and cheap car insurance. im making fun of the title.
morrowind isn’t really that weird
no, but it blew a lot of people’s minds so i put it on the list.
continues lots of the same themes
citation needed. not that I dislike it, it just feels like the name is tacked on to an otherwise lovely CRPG.
I don’t even think he’d make it up.
the border wall isn’t to keep people out. it’s a symbol. a monument to xenophobia and the culture of terror.
capital punishment isn’t an economic policy. it’s a cultural policy. it’s there to make killing not just a solution, but THE solution.
the tariffs aren’t being put in for money reasons. they’re being put in to strike at an enemy, real or imagined, to steer the fascist horde and direct them outwards, rather than inwards where they might notice how shit things are. to give them an enemy to blame for how shit their lives are that isn’t the parasitic billionaires who fucked everything up.
who gives a shit what the VP says. im glad somebody’s giving consequences to his constant bullshit.
lolno; space travel is hard. he’s never leaving earth, even for a recreational orbit.
I concur; we need more of this new breed of aggressively strange RPG’s, like earthbound/mother, planescape:torment, and morrowind.
like I said; I have watched the body of someone I loved disintegrate with their brain still at least partially functional in one of the most horrible ways a person can die. I think a lot of being precious about this shit comes from not having actually been exposed to it, and relying on your imagination.
like, PTSD from actual experiences is real, but outside of burned-in combat PTSD where your survival instincts and/or training are looped in, it’s never as simple as you would think.