Chris! Is that a weed?! I’m calling the police!!!
Chris! Is that a weed?! I’m calling the police!!!
Yes make it public.
No real reason not to.
Stardew Valley
Dota 2
It worked for Hitler!
Twitter was always shit.
Like all social media.
VW Passats are general purpose, highway patrol in my state use BMWs and Chryslers
It was the Wii version of Mario 64 not the N64 version.
The spice iron must flow.
His soul was yeeted from his body.
They are learning what level of bullshit PC gamers will tolerate.
I play hearthstone and spend more than that every 3 months to get a complete set of the expansion (well actually now that I think about it, it’s about $150 every three months or so).
I play a lot so my value to time ratio is pretty good but yeah…I don’t really buy any other games.
I’m no expert but as I understand it, a SEAL Operator is the SEAL you think of when you think of a Navy SEAL aka the guy in the frog suit with the gun rising out of the water to take a beach.
A Naval Special Warfare Officer is part of the support staff to the SEAL Operators effectively. I don’t know what specifically their function is (you can google it) but they probably do battlefield tactics for the actual Operators, they don’t go into actual battle.
He was technically, if Wikipedia is to believed.
He was a Naval Special Warfare Officer so not a SEAL Operator but technically that still is a Navy SEAL.
I know nothing about this person other than their wiki but I’m sure they conveniently leave off the fact they weren’t an Operator when saying they are a Navy SEAL.
I’m not going to pay to see it but if the choice of the song magical mystery tour sets up the tone of the movie it could be a bit of fun.
Pretty sure kids will like it.