Real life
Real life
The US is not statistically very different from the rest of the world.
The oligarchs want us divided. And have been working on it for decades. Blame them, not your neighbor, even if your neighbor is a smooth brain fuckwit.
And now you know why the DNC was so rabid about guns despite there being so many other things that kill more people and don’t automatically alienate half the country.
Gun violence is a problem. The DNC chose to die on that hill. I guarantee that there will be more gun violence than there would have been as the fucking shitbag Nazi’s keep doing there thing. There are a surprising number of people who will never vote Democrat because “they will take my guns away”.
This was an issue chosen to keep the US divided and ensure that the half that really oppose the oligarchy are not the half that is armed.
Good news liberals, leftists and all of you that are not part off the Nazi party, you can still buy guns at the store or from you neighbor.
Don’t let the Nazis seize power. They are 1000% more likely to kill you and your entire family than your chances of dying from random gun violence pre 2016. We are quickly approaching the point of no return.
Protect yourself, your family, your friends, and those that can’t protect themselves.
History is written by those that write stuff down.
What happens if I run paint splatters through OCR? Hmmmmm that random output looks like Perl. Holy shit it is Perl!
This actually happening is one reason I love the internet.
With code and algorithms
I’m not sure gimp conveys the right message. Don’t get me wrong, I use gimp, but unless you are already in the FOSS world, image editing is not even close to the top of the list of what people think when they hear gimp.
I can’t believe some people think that putting tariffs on a country means the country will just give the government 25% of everything and the merchants of that country are not just going to raise the prices to match the new expenses(or maybe even a little bit more since they have a good excuse to change prices).
I guess I can stand to eat a bit less, we can call it the economic collapse of the US diet! Just think of all the profits from the diet books! To bad they are going to cost 30% more now that my Mexican publisher is paying a tarrif to bring the books into the US. That’s OK, spending more money on the book just means that you won’t be able to afford as much food, making the diet work even better!