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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • “I don’t want to give Zuckerberg all my information for free, or ever, at all” - is what I’ve said to people when they ask why I don’t have Whatsapp. For the most part, they shrug as if to say “fair enough”. By and large, it’s become an acceptable reason.

    Through the past few years, I’ve been communicating with my five best friends via Signal. They installed the app and started using it just to stay in touch with me. Like I said - best friends, they did that for me.

    But their gesture have been rewarded…! …with Twitter-thread-style text walls from Yours Truly! About whatever subject is on my mind that night.

    From the 70s films of Robert Altman, to the impact of The Stone Roses on 90s British music, to the difference between Baroque and Rococo, to Major League Baseball rule changes, to Bitcoin miners in Xinjiang and Kazakhstan, to Neutrino Cosmic Background Radiation, to good ol’ fashioned meme shitposting - surreal memes, recursive memes, dank memes, bone hurting juice… you name it, we got it.

    So far, they don’t seem to mind it too much. It doesn’t happen every day and I gotta feel inspired, as opposed to bored texting.

  • Religion that worships The God Of The Desert is still stuck in the Middle Eastern desert five thousand years ago, when science was non-existent and even writing/reading was a rare thing, as baffling to most people then as the inner workings of AI are to us now.

    The principles and values (some sensible, some nonsensical and dangerous in the present world) of people living in the desert five thousand years ago are still being hammered into our minds as children by those who had it hammered to them as children also. Some break free of this conditioning in view of modern evidence, some do it partially, some don’t do it at all.

  • A long time ago, I kinda sorta noticed during the toxic 2016 presidential election in the United States.
    But when I (and a lot of other people) really noticed was right after russia invaded Ukraine, since then the barrage of non-stop, hollow, fact-less infotainment published multiple times a day, every single day, has been relentless.

    They publish A LOT of unverified hearsay with wishful thinking - meaning “shit you want to hear”. They’ve put putin on death’s door, the imminent collapse of the russian economy and society, or an imminent kremlin coup, countless times in the past year and a half.

    Yet another casualty in the clickbait enshittication of the internet.