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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I think you’re exactly right. Social media is just the first thing we should be federating. Next should be farming, manufacturing, timber, construction, shipping, sales, and energy. If we crowdsource our solutions while using logic and algorithms to enforce quality control, we can exceed efficiency of the greedy ruling class and share profits among everyone who contributes so contributor ever faces starvation or living on the streets.

    The billionaires can hoarde all the resources they want. If the masses stop contributing to their system, they will find that endless consumption is not as competitive as true justice and fairness.

  • If you’ve been working as a SRE since 2011, I’d say now is a good time to refresh your knowledge on Ops. A lot has changed since then in terms of best practices.

    I would recommend reading the DevOps Handbook. The audiobook version is quite easy to digest. There are many case studies about DevOps transformations in this book as well, including Etsy’s—the development techniques they used are quite interesting.

    DevOps has introduced a swath of methodologies for increasing the stability and maneuverability of large technology companies. Ignoring or remaining ignorant of these standards puts companies at a steep disadvantage. CI/CD and IaC techniques allow technology companies to develop stable code efficiently without accruing technical debt.

    I’ve worked in places where these principles were not followed and had to take on somewhat of a SRE role myself because of how many failures we were having. DevOps practices would have saved us, had we only had the knowledge and foresight to use them throughout the organization. I highly recommend increasing your awareness of these standards, regardless of what direction you want to take with your career.

  • You’d be surprised. Especially if the testing environment is not readily available or if automated tests are not functional and comprehensive, large code changes can be the norm. A developer may habitually hang onto their code until a big chunk is complete, at which point it will take heaps of debugging to uncover where the errors are. This is why we need IaC to quickly create testing environments that closely mirror prod, and trunk-based development to ensure code changes are small and issues are caught as early as possible.