• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • Starting anything from scratch is a huge risk these days. At best you’ll have something like the python 2 -> 3 rewrite overhaul (leaving scraps of legacy code all over the place), at worst you’ll have something like gnome/kde (where the community schisms rather than adopting a new standard). I would say that most of the time, there are only two ways to get a new standard to reach mass adoption.

    1. Retrofit everything. Extend old APIs where possible. Build your new layer on top of https, or javascript, or ascii, or something else that already has widespread adoption. Make a clear upgrade path for old users, but maintain compatibility for as long as possible.

    2. Buy 99% of the market and declare yourself king (cough cough chromium).

  • My experience with pacman was via rwfus on steam deck. I was coming in as someone with experience with apt, npm, pip, even choco and winget on windows. My expectation from pretty much every other command line tool is that commands are verbs, flags are adverbs. So having to install with “pacman -S” (or is it “pacman -Sy”?) just feels unnecessarily cryptic. Same with “nix-env -iA”. I understand that there are some clever internals going on under the hood, but you can have clever internals and sane defaults. For instance, “npm install foo” both downloads the package to node_modules and updates package.json for me, so I can see what change was made to my environment. Nix should do that.

  • pacman and nix are both really neat conceptually but they both fail at the most obvious usability test, which is “I just want to install a package”; its like exiting vim all over again.

    edit: yes, I know you can set an alias to pacman -Sy or whatever, but if you need to set up an alias for a command to be usable, then I can’t in good faith recommend that OS to anyone, and I don’t want to use an OS I wouldn’t recommend to others.

  • Sounds good. The main time I’ve found myself using the Rise4 paddles is for Minecraft. I’m already using both bumpers and both triggers for quick hotbar management, so I’ve got no way to jump or sneak while aiming. So I have L4 = Cross = Sneak, and R4 = Circle = Jump, and that covers all axes of motion.

    I guess the difference is just convenience, in that case. With “real” paddles, I could program them in Steam Input and they’d remember their setting per-game, instead of me having to fiddle around with the remap buttons each time I want to enable/disable the paddles. But yeah, since it’s just a convenience, I’ll wait for a better price. Thanks for the sanity check.