• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Incredible game that can be a little jarring for people who are probably expecting something like Baldur’s Gate 1&2, Fallout 1&2, or some other kind of isometric killfest RPG. It essentially turns the dialogue into 90% of the game, but the dialogue is so damn good that it doesn’t matter.

    It also takes getting used to damage, as sometimes you can “die” in seemingly random ways. I was on a rooftop, I think trying to reach for a scarf or something, and failed my roll. That caused me to apparently get so depressed that I lost the game. I can’t remember which stat/trait it was but I think there’s a morale or mental trait you have to watch out for too.

    Pirate this game if you wanna give it a try, don’t ever buy it. This is what the developers have advocated for and it actually fits right in with parts of the game itself.

  • I loved RTS games back in the day, played through all the Command & Conquers, Warcrafts, Starcrafts and all that, but then gradually it felt like the genre starting morphing into DotA and other games and I just sort of moved on. I was mostly single-player, though got into multiplayer later, but remember it being so fucking nerve-wracking and having to click hundreds of times a minute and trying to optimize everything, I’d be so worn out after playing. My best game I ever remembered playing was Starcraft 2, there was one match where multiple players tried ganging up on me in a FFA match, it was obvious they were coordinating, and I somehow fended them off and took the game. It wasn’t an important game or anything, but that was one of the fond memories I have from that time in my gaming life.

    I think I eventually just shifted over to turn-based strategy instead and I don’t know if the genre ever really returned from DotA.

  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2932: Driving PSA
    2 months ago

    I was just thinking about interactions like this I’ve had a few times with different nice drivers, where I think they’ll be trying to wave me through (no flashing brights or anything), I’m assuming to be nice, but they’re far enough away that I can’t see them, so I’m not entirely certain of their intent. Usually it’s a busy road, so there’s very little margin for error, if I misjudge what they’re doing, then there’s gonna be a problem. And then you both end up missing a chance to go because they screwed up the process, when, if they just hadn’t tried to be nice and just went like they were supposed to, we both could’ve gone. Just follow the dumb traffic laws.

    The exception to this though is at my kid’s school. To turn into the school, there’s a system that most of the parents follow and it works well, we essentially treat the entryway as a modified 3-way stop. Whoever has the easiest time to get in/get out go last in the order. So people needing to pull out and make a left turn onto the main road get first priority, then people needing to make a left turn into the school, finally people making a right-hand turn either into or out of the school go last. Anyone not going into the school just keeps going.

    This system works better than when a traffic cop is occasionally posted to direct traffic (for whatever reason). With the cop, traffic gets backed up everywhere around the school and it takes everyone forever to get where they need to go. Without the cop, most people follow “the system” and traffic flows smoothly. When someone doesn’t follow the system, it’s not necessarily a surprise because they just don’t wait, but usually a car or two later follows the system and everyone goes where they need to. You’re rarely waiting for long.