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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I don’t waste time blaming either side because it’s a war they have been fighting for a thousand years and will keep fighting until one side successfully wipes out the other. Which means unless you want genocide, you’ll have endless war.

    Peace is not always possible or desirable, and that’s a fact of life you need to learn to accept.

    Now you can choose to get mad at me for telling you hard truths you don’t want to hear, or you can find something better to do with your life than waste oxygen arguing with random strangers on the internet. Your choice.

  • When your dumbass looked at me telling you you can’t just do whatever you want, and you responded, “Actually yes, I can”. Like a fucking child.

    When you devolve into insults instead of responding with anything substantive because you know I am right and you are wrong.

    And when deep down inside you felt the pit in your heart grow like a fucking maw when confronted with the fact that reality exists independently of your whim and whimsy.

    Now you don’t get a say in what is canon and what is not. Only original creators can do that. Other people’s works are derivatives at best. That’s the reality you have to learn to accept because reality won’t change simply because you don’t like it.

    Now when you grow up and actually become an adult, we can continue this conversation. I am not gonna waste any more time arguing with a child.

  • No, you don’t.

    You can certainly write fanfiction and create fanart all you want to. People have done it for thousands of years. But it’ll never be the original story no matter how much you want it to be.

    You are not the original creator of the franchise. Grow up and get over it.

    Getting mad at me for telling you the truth won’t change that fact, and it won’t make Jaffe any less correct in his complaint that the writers deliberately destroyed his creation and his original intent. Because they did, and they admitted they did it because they didn’t want a pro revenge story in media.

    Go look up the interviews with the recent GoW writers. Go actually do some research instead of throwing a temper tantrum here because I won’t let you do what you want.

    Objective reality is a thing whether you want it to be or not. You don’t get to decide what the truth is.

  • To be honest, after the thousands of years of literally everyone else treating the Jewish people in that manner, I don’t blame them for lashing out.

    And don’t waste your breath with that two wrongs don’t make a right bullshit; in the real world they absolutely do, all the time. All punishment involves harming someone else and is therefore wrong to you twits. Harm isn’t always wrong.

    I only sympathize with the Palestinians because they genuinely are innocent. Dumbass groups like Hamas who think they can provoke others by enacting cruelties and then shift world focus on their enemies’ reaction to them instead of rightfully blaming them for all of the chaos and destruction? Nah. Miss me with that shit. I’m not some rube who can be manipulated in such a manner the way the rest of you are.

    It’s all wrongs on both sides and always will be.