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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I parents owned a cockapoo while growing up, and my siblings and I didn’t like it because it was aggressive as hell and my mother treated it like an actual factual babby.

    Once my sister was eating a hot pocket, and the dog wanted it, so it mauled her badly. It jumped up on the table randomly and mauled her face. It took several surgeries to get her face back to normal. My mother lied and told the police she had it destroyed.

    About 3 years later, it became paralyzed from the waist down after it attacked me. It jumped for my face and landed wrong. It didn’t die, and my mother blames me for the incident to this day, 30 or so years later.

    It would piss and shit all over everything until it died of old age about a decade later. All the while, my mother treated it more and more like a baby because it couldn’t get away, and it wore diapers when my mother wasn’t too lazy.

    I’m sure most of my issues with the dog were due to the owner being a shitty person.

    Though after it ate part of my sister’s face, I’m convinced that it saw everyone but my mother as “meat,” which is why I couldn’t get along with the dog. I mostly tolerated it until I emancipated myself early.

  • I can’t reccomend books outside of the basics of meditation. Most of it requires some work to be put in with body mindfulness.

    Next time you are about to fall asleep, try to program your brain to find out something that’s meaningful to you. Just keep telling yourself that you are going to find that thing. And when you do, you will KNOW it’s a dream. Keep telling yourself to test reality in your dreams.

    Its ALL about breaking the waking and the non waking barriers

    It will take time to master those powers and the night that you do you will wake up like you just took LSD. Even still, keep that dream object and reality testing in mind. The more you do the more you will find yourself testing if it’s a dream in the dream. That will set it off.

    You can even test if you are in a dream IRL a few time a day to speed things up. It sounds silly to do, but it will train your mind to test reality in dreams.

  • I love it. Things can go from psychedelic to me flying in the air, changing the landscape like I’m some sort of God.

    I can even make food and banquets appear, and I can eat whatever I want at full flavor

    I can even make any sexual fantasy I want come true instantly. I don’t do this often, though. As I think it would destroy me in the waking world.

    For the most part, it was worth the years of work it took to learn the meditation needed for all of this.