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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • If your doing the physics calculations on your own, you only need to run gravity physics when an onGround flag is false. You instead run a CheckOnGround() check to keep the onGround flag on. When it is not on ground, set a coyoteTimer and if CheckOnGround() is still false after the timer is up, then set onGround to false and run gravity physics.

    They coyoteTimer time is dependent on the CheckOnGround radius and model speed, but it should be hardly noticeable. Run some tests and see what feels good.

    Disclaimer, I’m not a professional, so I’m definitely open to better suggestions.

  • In my first CS class, the professor announced an extra credit project due at the end of the semester. It was to create a formatted terminal calendar given a year from user input. I finished it after learning about condition but before I learned about classes… or functions… or loops… or searching the internet… partially. I searched how leap years worked, but didn’t bother to search for code (Stack Overflow didn’t exist yet)

    Anyway, long ass program with each month hard-coded with 7 possible calendars for each month depending on the first day of the week. Lots of copy and paste. Professor was speechless, but accepted it.