I made the icy-nord and icy-nord-darker themes.


  • 31 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Helldivers 2 is currently occupying my mind 24/7. Yes there are a few bugs here and there, but the game is just so good they don’t really matter in terms of spoiling the experience. It is a 4 person co-op game and its really fun if you find a group of friends you can play with, or a good group of randoms who communicate. However, you can play solo, you just need to change up your playstyle for certain missions, like go a bit stealthier. Honestly try it, and if you want to try the group aspect of it join the official discord where there are lfg channels you can find people to play with.

  • I think MSF is a solely US thing, but there are for sure alternatives here in Europe. At least in my country to get a license you need to complete a certain number of hours with a certificied instructor, and they do teach different skills like body position, emergency braking, slow and high speed maneuvering, as well as eventually taking you out on the roads and practicing in a real commuting scenario.

    One thing thats different (not sure if its not a law or its not enforced) is that each instructor will have different equipment. For example when I started lessons before covid cut them short right before my exam my then instructor would take me to a parking lot he had a deal with to use in the evening, and just had cones for exercises. My now instructor after I restarted post covid has a friend who has an events venue with a massive parking lot, cones, and even bluetooth communication devices for the helmets. So now we can communicate while im doing exercises and also while out on the roads… The amount of times I hear him in my ears yelling (in a joking way) “TRAFFIGATOOOOR” before I sheepishy switch it off is too damn high 😂