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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2023

  • it’s possible, but that would seem… odd… for such a large and tech-savvy instance. there’s a lot of reasons why this isn’t a good idea, and very few technical reasons why it is

    my guess is that it’s less about obscuring server location for privacy reasons as is the implications in this thread, and more about handling changes cleanly or something like that - in which case, sure it obscures the server location but more that it makes the server “location” (or hardware, etc) irrelevant and fungible

  • trade agreements likely don’t cover this though

    and sure there might be diplomatic pushback, but… is that really going to happen?

    the EU already forces companies to make products to certain specifications if they want to be sold in the EU… as does the US and most other countries, and California in the US tends to set the standard that everyone else lives by

    countries “invade” the autonomy of other countries’ markets all the time. the US is the worst offender. this is kinda the reason the EU exists: to have the power to force things to happen that is “outside” their jurisdiction

    apple doesn’t have to comply. they don’t have to sell iphones in the EU. they’re making a choice

  • any efficiency gain outside a bottleneck doesn’t effect the end result at all: if you make things more efficiency before the bottleneck, things just pile up before; if you make things more efficient after the bottleneck your resources are just waiting for work

    in the context of storage, this means that if you don’t have hardware capable of using the data provided by the storage controller, or flash capable of feeding it then really there’s no point in having it

    battery efficiency is of course cumulative, but as the author points out… meh; this is a drop in the ocean

  • the up side of flip flopping is that it still results in some amount of effective net neutrality… in order to develop products and build customers for them, ISPs need to actually be sure they’re going to be able to continue to offer them… industries aren’t going to rely on fast lanes, etc until they’re pretty sure they aren’t going to go away

  • it’s possible it was generated by multiple people. when i craft my prompts i have a big list of things that mean certain things and i essentially concatenate the 5 ways to say “present all dates in ISO8601” (a standard for presenting machine-readable date times)… it’s possible that it’s simply something like

    prompt = allow_bias_prompts + allow_free_thinking_prompts + allow_topics_prompts

    or something like that

    but you’re right it’s more likely that whoever wrote this is a dim as a pile of bricks and has no self awareness or ability for internal reflection