queermunist she/her

/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Interesting. How about a counter-offer? Russia gets the fuck off the Ukraine, pays reparations, and maybe in a decade or so of being nice the rest of the world starts trading with them.

    The rest of the world is trading with them. It’s just the NATO bloc that has cut them off, which is now bifurcating the global economy. It’s one of the main reasons for inflation all throughout the West, because our currencies are now not being used by a growing segment of the world economy.

    Your counteroffer isn’t happening and if we keep this up things will only get worse. We can’t dictate terms. We have to negotiate.

    Ukraine has/had an imperfect government, that doesn’t mean they deserve to be invaded.

    Ukraine had a pro-Western revolution/coup that removed Russian allies and replaced them with NATO allies. It doesn’t matter if they “deserve” to be invaded (I don’t think they deserved it, for the record), Russia merely did what was in it’s geopolitical interests.

    Fuck Putin and fuck his supporters and fuck anyone who both sides this crap.

    Deeply unserious. 😔

  • Your “compromise” is letting the mugger only take half of your wallet.

    People aren’t property, you don’t get to keep them just because you own them. They have self determination.

    Are you currently in Crimea? Other parts of Ukraine? Is this really your call?

    No, it’s theirs, which is why I want them to have a choice! I’m the one that wants to let them choose whether they join Russia or stay with Ukraine. You’re the one that wants to hold them against their will if they truly want to leave.

    I’d be comfortable with allowing them to do what they want. Why do you not want the same?