Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive

Things people have claimed I work for, on the payroll, or are some kind of propaganda agent.

Russian bot: 11

Chinese Communist Party: 6

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 6

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 9

  • 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023

  • CEOs of companies existed in 1939, and did before. 1939 would have been the time of the great depression, World War 2, fascism, and Batman didn’t go after them, he went after the people who needed work and took the last chance they had.

    Bruce Wayne is just a form of Bill Gates. Donates millions to charity, good causes, hospitals, fighting diseases, but he still has lots of more money than when he did before all this “charity”. The difference is that Gates doesn’t put on a mask and go punch the poor of Seattle.

    If Batman was real, he’d be a dickhead, worse than Musk or Bezos.

  • She thought that the group of trans people that run 196 was somehow enabling transphobia and other horrid things when we constantly removed it.

    And when we removed it, she said it was better for communication if kept things up to show the idiots.

    And then when I kept it up, she got mad at me for not instantly banning and removing them.

    Like everything 196 does was inherently a master plan where we messed with all users just for her.

    She’s banned because she constantly went “I can’t wait to leave this place” and never did. So I left the ban note along the lines of “If you want to leave, you can. You’re not, you’re harassing users and defending tankies, so take this time to breath some air.”

  • Here’s my attempt at copying the article for readers:

    To Fight ‘Shrinkflation,’ France Will Force Retailers to Warn Shoppers

    • Merchants will be required to put signs in front of all products that have been reduced in size without a corresponding price cut.

    For months, the shelves of Carrefour, France’s biggest supermarket chain, have been dotted with bright orange signs placed in front of Pepsi bottles, Lays potato chips and a variety of other foods whose packages are suspiciously smaller than they used to be.

    “Shrinkflation,” the signs say. “This product has seen its volume decrease and the price charged by our supplier increase.”

    On Friday, the French government took steps to require every food retailer in the country to follow suit. By July 1, stores will have to plaster warnings in front of all products that have been reduced in size without a corresponding price cut, in a bid to combat the consumer scourge known as shrinkflation.

    “The practice of shrinkflation is a scam,” Bruno Le Maire, France’s finance minister, said in a statement. “We are putting an end to it.”

    The government is also encouraging shoppers to act as informers, urging those “who have doubts about the price per unit of measurement displayed on the shelves” to flag it to the authorities via France’s consumer reporting app.

    The fight against the practice of downsizing products without also downsizing their prices has picked up in the United States, where President Biden has shamed food companies for raising prices even as inflation cooled.

    Shrinkflation has become a point of outrage for shoppers in France, and a political issue for President Emmanuel Macron as consumers continue to grapple with a cost-of-living crisis. Although inflation has recently come down in Europe from the record highs of a year ago, the prices of many food products remain elevated.

    Inflation in the eurozone fell to a new two-year low in March, the result of an aggressive campaign of interest rate increases by the European Central Bank. European governments had also worked to ease prices for energy and food, through subsidies for electric bills and by negotiating with food manufacturers to force prices down.

    In France, inflation has fallen now more than a third from a year earlier, but higher food prices have been persistent. A typical basket of food basics that includes items such as pasta and yogurt is 3 to 5 percent higher than it was a year ago, after a 16 percent surge for 2023.

    Mr. Macron had promised to wrestle food costs down further this year. The government moved up annual price negotiations between suppliers and retailers in February, and put pressure on companies to limit increases.

    The shrinkflation campaign is the latest weapon. Stores will have to display signs for two months after downsized products have been put on their shelves, according to the government decree issued Friday. The signs will appear near a variety of goods made by food companies, as well as for the supermarket’s private-label brands, from snacks and soda to bags of rice and laundry detergent. Prepackaged foods, like shrink-wrapped deli cold cuts or foods sold in bulk, will be exempt.

    Many global consumer goods companies have raised prices by double-digit percentages in the past year, attributing the increases to higher costs of ingredients and labor. Even so, many of those companies have reported expanding profits as they sell fewer items at higher prices.

    The issue came to a head in France last year when Carrefour announced that it would no longer sell PepsiCo products because the prices were “unacceptably” high for consumers, escalating a showdown by French retailers to name and shame brands that were not reducing prices as inflation eases.

    As part of its campaign, Carrefour also put up shrinkflation posters next to products like Lipton tea warning shoppers that they were paying a higher price for a product whose volume had shrunk.

    France has submitted a proposal to the European Union that would force food retailers throughout Europe to carry out a shrinkflation labeling campaign.

  • Torrenting stuff that is public domain or intended by its creators to be shared via BitTorrent isn’t illegal. You won’t get busted for sharing a Linux ISO or a copy of Moby Dick.

    You would get in trouble for media made in or after 1929 (currently). A VPN would help to protect you from being caught for this, but you would most likely never get arrested for downloading, only being a major player in a scene.

    And why cops don’t stop them? They do. There’s laws on books that prohibit them, but in (a lot) of countries, they either don’t have a law that stops VPNs, only piracy sites, or simply don’t have the time to care about media piracy when there’s bigger fish to fry.

  • I’m sorry to hear about this, do you have some links to your GitHub and the interactions?

    EDIT: I checked Leah’s Mastodon, found this interaction: And here’s the IRC interaction:

    I haven’t taken the time to read all of this fully, simply trying to share info that is not supplied by either parties.

    EDIT: Taking more time to read it, it seems so far:

    OP’s code was buggy and bricking boards. Leah requested a patch to solve the known problems. OP took too long, and when Leah got a personal copy of the same computer/board, she worked on her patch and implemented it. OP is still listed on the site.

    Provided hardware testing for the Dell OptiPlex 9020, also provided testing for proxmox with GPU passthrough on Dell Precision T1650, confirming near-native performance; with this, you can boot operating systems virtually natively, performance-wise, on a Libreboot system in cases where that OS is not natively supported.

    All round good guy, an honest and loyal fan.

    I personally have not written any code nor submitted anything to Libreboot, but it seems OP is still credited despite the claims of being stolen. I can’t confirm if any code was used by OP or if Leah used 100% original code, as that’s not my expertise. And even then, I’m not sure if the GPL/whatever license Libreboot uses is cool or uncool on that.