Their best workers never existed - scheiße.
Their best workers never existed - scheiße.
These dentists are the worst sort of people, they think they have great business acumen making these profits but they really are just working a monopoly. If they truly are business orientated let them invent something and go market it and be an actual entrepreneur in the real world, if not go back to caring for people as they were trained to do and make enough money to live a comfortable life but not extort people.
People placed in isolation tanks for long periods have reported that consciousness seemed to become more vivid when deprived of external stimuli but that it was increasingly less grounded. Without real world input consciousness does not shut down it constructs its own simulated input.
If you do not agree bird strike we do nuclear attack on world.
People become obsessed with their enemy.
Shocking how quickly people will fall in line with a burgeoning dictatorship. Everyone thinks they are an Oscar Schindler but really they are a Hugo Boss.