Trying to avoid politics are we? Got some bad news for ya…
Trying to avoid politics are we? Got some bad news for ya…
Not the actual paper but here ya go
Well said
I agree. It’s a false equivalency.
It’s super similar to the idea behind the original tea party. They didn’t do insane shit like burn down buildings with people inside, they tossed tea into the water. If we could do something similar, I’m sure we would.
I’m willing to admit that I don’t know a lot about anarchism. I’ve tried to learn more when I have the opportunity to talk to someone about it, but I never get anything insightful.
I’d love to know more about how an anarchist society could work.
Fair enough - I stand corrected
Ehh yeah that’s a whole other can of worms. By “reviews”, for me, I mean a bunch of different sources.
And I do that because you’re correct! Trust in those is low.
So “reviews” maybe isn’t the right word. Just tryna keep the comment simple.
I think what you’re saying is true but perhaps you’re both talking about different things. I think you’re speaking about the reality of the situation whereas the comment OP is talking about the risk averse nature of large game studios. I don’t think it’s the same thing.
Also, I think I’m part of a growing minority but if gta 6 reviews are bad I’m not buying it until I hear it’s been fixed. I’ve been burned so many times 😭
Russia? Not as far as I can tell. They seem to lose 1-1.5k people a day to lose ground. Ukraine has more tanks than the start of the war, and more of their own land back.
I think the most critical thing is manpower. AFAIK we’re not sure how many Ukrainian soldiers are left (I couldn’t find anything if you do please link it).
Recently, actually. They have no idealogical allies, no plan, no nothing. They’re not a voting block anyone cares about, nor do they have any actual positions to argue. I do not take their opinions seriously.
This is the answer. Though there’s a really small chance someone reverse engineers the whole thing, but I ain’t doin it.
Would you/do you support what happened during the Boston tea party? I think we all like law and order, but under the current regime, justices are being found dead from mysterious causes. It’s hard to say it’s the same system of law we’re used to.
Not at all. See the second amendment and the declaration of independence
There are SO many sources on this it’s obvious you didn’t even bother to look.
Here’s the paper
Maybe do some research for once in your life?