

We believe that the Anarchists are real enemies of Marxism. Accordingly, we also hold that a real struggle must be waged against real enemies

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2021


  • Here, let’s do a litmus test. Who is to blame for the Ukraine War? Would you decry the US if they falsely claimed to own most of the Gulf of Mexico and threatened civilian ships? If so, would you also decry China for claiming most of the South China Sea, including waters which are literally closer to other countries than to them?

    I get that it’s a convenient rhetorical technique to try to turn the conversation onto the views common among communists that you find objectionable. I don’t agree that it’s relevant to the conversation at hand, though.

    Every communist is not a tankie.

    The thread of “authoritarian” communism that’s typically branded as “tankie” runs directly to Marx. I’m interested to know if you’re able to find any non-marxist communist tendencies to hold up as an example.

    Where are your model communists? Or are you just anti-communist?

  • I don’t really agree. Stalin’s thoughts can be summed up in his synthesis of Marx and Lenin. There isn’t a “Stalinism” separate from Marxism-leninism, but his contribution to MLism was vital.

    I also don’t really agree that Dengism is a thing. It’s a convenient shorthand Maoists use to describe modern China, but I don’t think Deng saw his contributions as separate from SWCC.

    Also also, I don’t think you can fairly characterize modern Maoism as Mao’s interpretation of MLism.

    All of these are very pedantic, so it’s very much ok if we don’t agree here! 😁