I have peepee doodoo caca brains.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2024


  • Bro, why is Israel even in there? “They are in the broadcast union” is not the gotcha you think it is. Isreal neighbours are Egypt, Yemen, Iran and so forth.

    The fact that you don’t see that European intervention and colonization in the middle east merits representation in European media shows a disconnect that can only be described as pure unadulterated repression. If you then also try to say “music” or “the arts” shouldn’t be political", I can only assume you actually like to listen to the music that comes from EuroVision.

    If you want to continue with the financing of geo-political fuckery under the guise of “liberalism”, you’ve got to face it as well. You shouldn’t get to bury your head in the sand.

    That being said, Palestine flags should be prominently features in the Isreali part of the crowd, since Isreal occupies their land.

    It’s only fair to have proper representation.

  • Here’s why yee olde liberalism is a crock. France, being arguably the birth place of liberalism, and also it’s perversion - or “modernisation”, being the home of “laissez-faire capitalism”. A place that would make Ayn Rand shed tears of joy, as Frenchmen set fire to the streets because their “liberal government” keeps fucking with their money.

    That whole “freedom of movement” thing gets put on the chopping block - like a lot. Democrats, Republicans, Torries, etc, especially when it goes against geo-political liberal games like the wanton genocide and ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Then it’s all “oh noes :( scawwy mozlems.” Hey wait a minute, didn’t they actually mandate approved clothing for women, effectively banning the burqinie, and then had the balls to call them selves “liberal”? Yes, that’s apart of the liberal delusional cult. You don’t actually want liberty, but the liberty the move money around in Cayman Island bank accounts - if you have the millions to do so, ofc.

    But, theh can’t just sweep the bodies of dead children under the rug anymore, because it’s becoming quite apparent who the colonisers and wage slavers are - and it’s the very same who claim to be pro-liberty, the ones who claim to be for freedom, but who at the end of the day wage more psy-ops and practice more hypocrisy than the vatican state.

    Liberalism is better than nationalism, but both are awful, and liberalism is still right-wing. Anyone who fell for the okeydoke needs to take some inventory of their political beliefs - and political reality.

  • Socially conservative fucking liberal, “classical” liberal, emperialstic liberal, yee olde British liberal, Yee olde aristocrats wanting to go solo and cut out the monarchy and clergy liberal, privatise everything to a set of monopolies, duopolies, triopolies liberal, fostering markets that exploit slavery liberals, push war on drugs and McCarthyism liberals.


    Right wing. Not left wing. Liberalism was always, always right wing. Social democrats too. Same shit. Different branches. UK liberals, Nordic liberals, German liberals, Spain liberals, EU liberals, democrats and republican liberals.


    The predominant feature of liberal democracies? Fucking liberals. Nice word, isn’t it? Shame if it would be misleading packaging and be about as liberating as a gimp cage.

    Signed, an ex-social democrat.

  • South Africa suffers from massive distribution issues, and I’m talking about money here. Apartheid was a part of creating an oligarchy that has central ownership of resources.

    What they should be demanding instead is to nationalise these resources as a sovereign wealth fund, maybe even copy-paste what Norway did to their fund, and also how they regulated all forms of manufacturing to require certification and diplomas, with strict punishment for executives who break the law.

    Reperations would be nice, but it won’t even come close to solving the massive poverty issue, which is intrinsically tied to the centralisation of ownership.

    South Africans will never see the light ay the end of the tunnel if they don’t see this. It just means that they’ll become like US states when African economic growth reaches sustainable levels around 2050.

    But should people suffer and wait all that time, only to see little to nothing from that development, except modern buildings and not starving in the streets?

    Reperations are temporary and ephemeral. Political-economic reform is a must.

    But, reperations in the now? Absolutely. See South African poverty, and realise why both are needed, like right now right now.

  • It’s kind of sick and twisted. When compared to actual functioning reformist prison systems, look no further than Norway.

    During the 60s and 70s, it was the wardens that brought about the reform, because they didn’t like the way the prisoners were being treated. Several persons per room, one toilet per 6 people, etc. It was inhumane and it was the actual prison wardens who organised to fix the issue.

    Now, many years later, the Norwegian prison system is one of the most effective prison systems in the world, with a low return rate. People who suffer from mental health issues and who break the law would be treated well in Norwegian prisons, leading to a much higher chance of reform and them becoming fully employed tax payers, so it sort of pays for itself over time.

    In 2016 US police visited Norway and said “you should have a system more like ours”, and despite Norwegian police being somewhat their own boys club, a resound “hell to the no” resonated across the Norwegian landscape.

    Do you want MS-13? Because penal colonies/western goulags is how you get MS-13.

  • As per the deal, 95 per cent of the $260 billion worth of trade will be settled in yuan.

    It’s like an economic visual of Putin’s balls in Xi Jinpeng’s grip. The other 5%? A blend of rubles and euros.

    In essence, BRICS is trying to make the yuan a world reserve currency. That’s how they’re going to “sanction proof” them selves, by leaning on Chinese economy, and tbh, since a crapton of manufacturing and fabrication already happens in China, it does make a lot of sense.

    Perhaps we’ll see the return of cold war era economic policies as a result. You can almost hear the liberals (neo or classical, take your pick - they both suck) begrudgingly press the button marked “Protectionism”.

    In any case, welcome to the CwaaS, or “Cold war as a Service”. Smack SWIFT and BRICS together, see what happens.