Just a bridgeman doing his thing.
Clear the entirety of the first map. You’ll save yourself some headaches and power up Geralt a bit which helps a ton in the early game.
There’s a danger in any game where it might be largely designed and marketed to be one thing, and then has lengthy mandatory sections where it becomes another.
This is the only issue I have with the cyberpunk 2077 DLC. Most of the game is an open-world action rpg. Then all of a sudden depending on your choices in the DLC you can end up in a mission that is basically Alien: Isolation survival horror. You go from being a powerhouse that can destroy pretty much anything in the game and shrug off missile hits to being hunted and unable to kill what is hunting you. It was super fucking annoying the first time I did the DLC because I hate those type of games. Great DLC except for that small part.
So are chickpeas or edamame meat to you? Because they have like 5 times as much protein by weight than mushrooms.
Not especially. For as early as you can encounter Marcus in act 2 it’s pretty high though. I usually save his fight for right before I head to grab Dame Aylin and have gotten a bit more powered up.
After more thought on the matter though I bet OP has karmic dice on. That option being on can make those crazy long bad and good luck streaks happen.
I want to see those detailed rolls.
Marcus’ AC is only 17 so you had some horrible luck.
I prefer the male voice but the female voice is more emotive. Plus the female avatar gets a nice story with Judy.
They changed a lot, but in a good way. I had also spent a while away from the game and came back recently for the expansion. It’s really good.
I would suggest starting a new character from scratch if you pick up the DLC. You’ll really appreciate the new changes to cyberwear that way.
You should all just use an immutable distro. Problemo solved-o.
One of Pablo Escobar’s lieutenants was nicknamed Popeye. When i first heard it pronounced in spanish I was so confused. To make it even funnier, here in Medellin y’s are pronounced like j’s so here his name is Poh-pay-jay.
I only recognize proto-indo-european pronunciations.
Find a friend who is bilingual in the opposite languages as you. So for me a Spanish native that speaks English. Then you can correct each other’s fuck ups on pronunciation. That’s what me and my buddies do. It helps a lot for words you’ve only ever seen written.
According to our modern understanding of physics and and given an expanding universe…yes, the universe is truly infinite. There is a limit to how far we can see but not to how far the universe will expand.
If we got off this rock infinite growth wouldn’t be so bad. We’d have space to grow as a species. Until then infinite growth is more harmful than good.
Sure, what could go wrong?
Don’t mix uppers and downers. That’s how John Belushi and Phillip Seymour Hoffman died.
Hey! I once hacked that guy. Dude had left every port open.
Minsc should be Groot since he is good friends with a small woodland creature that is a badass at warfare.
I know it looks wrong but the word is spelled: “subtly”. How it gets those extra vowels when spoken is beyond my ken.