Yea this too. If you are ever debating doing this search you up some aftermath pictures. People’s femurs break and their feet are up by their face. Just don’t do it.
Yea this too. If you are ever debating doing this search you up some aftermath pictures. People’s femurs break and their feet are up by their face. Just don’t do it.
I think The Verge has been getting better over time. Its kind of a breath of fresh air they seem to mostly stay politically neutral and they occasionally use tasteful euphemisms while reporting very accurately. I miss Paul and Dieter but the newer people are doing great work too.
Google play music was the last straw for me. I will never depend on them for a service ever again. They just aren’t reliable.
Just going to add it does look like its available on android through izzyondroid fdroid repo. I’m not a developer and I wanted toupdates automatically as they are released so this is great.
There are so many registrars out there that consolidation really isn’t a concern.
Puh puh puh puh puh pa POWER!