Both support stronger safety features in chromium and criminals and bullies got equated to kicking puppies. That’s why it’s a shoddy attempt at illustrating their reasoning.
Both support stronger safety features in chromium and criminals and bullies got equated to kicking puppies. That’s why it’s a shoddy attempt at illustrating their reasoning.
There’s some massive misunderstanding about my comment.
I called it a false equivalency because it’s comparing both the measures (“stronger safety”) and the thing is supposed to prevent (doxing and bullying) to puppy kicking.
That’s just emotional manipulation done badly. We all call it out when politicians use pedophiles to warrant Internet surveillance, and now apply it ourselves? I don’t know about you, but when I see bad reasoning, I’ll call it out. Even if it’s done by “my side”.
Kick a puppy
If you have to resort to false equivalences like these, you’re not really making the anti-WEI crowd look good.
*Edit: * There’s some massive misunderstanding about my comment.
I called it a false equivalency because it’s comparing both the measures (“stronger safety”) and the thing is supposed to prevent (doxing and bullying) to puppy kicking.
That’s just emotional manipulation done badly. We all call it out when politicians use pedophiles to warrant Internet surveillance, and now apply it ourselves? I don’t know about you, but when I see bad reasoning, I’ll call it out. Even if it’s done by “my side”.
That’s promising :/ I really like the shape of that mouse, and the custom weights. What did you end up buying instead?
I still have a ~10 year old Logitech G500 that has finally started to go bad. I’ve been looking around, and it seems that Logitech’s quality has been going down the drain - apparently sometimes clicks get registered as double clicks on recent models?
Can you (or anyone else who has one) comment on their experience with that?
I wouldn’t be surprised if they had, actually.
Still, a spam bot can just use the free license - they won’t make nearly as much api requests as a proper app would.
The ones that make 60 posts per account per hour are easy to detect no matter how they post.
BTW, what’s the difference between this and Pythörhead (apart from being easier to type? :p)