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  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • The ultra-orthodox have wanted this for a long time and it’s one of the reasons Israel’s government was trying to curtail the power of the judiciary. You may remember there were protests in Israel over last summer over this.

    This isn’t about Pacifism, but more about autonomy and seclusion. I don’t think they mind exposing their youth to bombs and bullets as much as exposure to cosmopolitan ideals they get from mixing with Israel’s more secular youth. It’s similar to the impetus for religious parents to do home-schooling in the US.

  • Countries that have to jump through hoops to get their hands on, or sell sanctioned goods is an example of sanctions working.

    Y’all remember back in 2022 when certain items were hard to get a hold of because of supply chain issues? You could still get what you wanted through the one weird trick of paying a premium for it. And that was a significant factor in inflation.

    The goal of sanctions is not to hermetically seal a country off from global markets, but to damage that countries economy.

  • Is the UN official saying that the pier is enabling the Israeli invasion of Rafah, as though it wouldn’t happen otherwise? Or is he saying that but for the pier, Israel will open more land crossing to aid?

    And what is the corrective action? Should the pier be built somewhere else, or not at all? Are their any factors about where to locate the pier besides political? Like the depth of the water or existing infrastructure?

    And if the problem with the aid is that it’s a meaningless PR gesture, then does PR medicine not heal? Dose PR food not nourish?

    Please help me understand why delivering food and medicine to Gaza is bad.

  • This is one of those articles that’s dishonest enough to state a rumor as fact, but honest enough to provide the weak evidence for these claims in the body.

    You would expect some kind of weasel words like “claims source”, but nope. They back up the claim that an Iranian general was the “Architect” of Oct7 with the fact that official Iranian sources praised his work with Iran proxies in their statement about his death. What would be extraordinary is if an Iranian General didn’t have dealings with that countries proxies.

    Iran may well have had advanced knowledge of the attack, or direct involvement. To believe that though, we need evidence. This ain’t that.

  • The part that stuck with me was how Minderbinder was a patriot. He didn’t see any conflict between profiteering and being a loyal American. Even when that meant plain treason.

    Contrast this with Harry Truman. A lawmaker who made his name investigating “war profiteering”. Truman became a Senator because he had the backing of the notoriously corrupt Missouri political machine headed by the boss Pendergast. Truman was nicknamed “the Senator from Pendergast”.

    Truman himself wasn’t corrupt. But he was a poor businessman, and maybe that makes him the least American of all.