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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • But the horse still has a broken leg (End-Storage) and noone really knows how to fix that at the moment. Maybe give the horse some drugs to make the leg stronger (Transmutate the materials from long to moderately-long half-lifes), but we still need to support it in the end.

    The move to coal was absolutely stupid, the CDU (which is currently gaining some traction… again), dialed back on renewables which should have replaced some of the capacities lost to nucelar… and then decided a new coal plant was a great idea too.
    Probably some corruption… sorry “Lobbying”-work behind that… its not like the Experts (which were paid pretty well) told them that was a bad idea…

    Maybe some more modern nucelar plants might work… but its unprofitable (probably always was, considering the hidden costs on the tax payers already), so needs to be heavily state-funded, same with storage (plus getting all the stuff out of the butchered storage Asse, putting it somewhere else)
    I am open to it, but dont see it happening. And storage… no hopeful thoughts about that either, i dont think the current politic structures are well suited to oversee something like that from what we have seen from other storage-locations that are or were in use.

    I’d also love some more plans for big energy storage aswell as new subsidies for the energy grid and renewables. The famous german bureaucracy is obviously also not helping any of this.

  • I would be careful with some of these providers depending on your usage.
    You are potentially sending a ton of info to them…

    I have access to Bing Chat Enterprise through my company, and only because its the Enterprise version i am half confident in using it with more restrictive data.
    Though the frontend of copilot is so heavy and sucks, so i have a proxy for GPT-API to Bing Chat.
    Had hoped GPT4All Bing provider would support login, but sadly not, so essentially had to reimplement it all myself.

  • Better quality releases and more active users with much less leeches as they get thrown out.
    Though there are many site admins with some complex here too… your experience can vary.

    And of course you need to contribute to the community, most trackers will grant you buffer for both uploading and keeping the torrent running. You want something, then you have to give back.
    If the tracker doesnt give possebilities to build your buffer in multiple ways, other than just uploading, its usually a shit tracker.
    And some are just super hard to impossible to get into. Start small, wait for open signups or just go to new trackers, they might get bigger over time.
    Dont publicly beg for invites, you can humiliate yourself in private chats if you are into that.