Worries about the economy and migration pushed up share for far-right AfD in Hesse and Bavaria, while coalition parties did worse

German chancellor Olaf Scholz’s fractious centre-left coalition has received a sharp rebuke from voters in the key states of Bavaria and Hesse, with economic woes and immigration fears boosting the opposition conservatives and the far right.

At the elections on Sunday the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party burst out of its post-industrial eastern strongholds to score its best ever result in a western state. Polls showed it on course to be the second largest party in Hesse, home to the financial capital Frankfurt.

All three parties in Scholz’s federal coalition – his Social Democrats, the Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) – did worse than five years ago in the states, which together account for about a quarter of the German population.

  • Kühe sind toll@feddit.de
    11 months ago

    Bro, if you don’t know about the politics of a certain country, it’s better to shut up about it. Björn Höcke, who’s considered to be the middle of the AfD wrote in his book “Nie zweimal in den gleichen Fluss” that “we will loose certain parts of our population”. To achieve this he’s willing to use “well temperarated force”. There are hundreds of quotes like this. Many of the regional AfD fractions are being observed by our protection of the constitution or even assured right wing extremists which means they are literal Nazis. The AfD say that the only difference between them and the NPD, they tried to ban, for them being nazis, but failed because it’s to small, is that they are more popular. It’s not about conservative. It’s about this whole fucking party being full of Nazis.