I was looking at getting some roguelikes / lites (already have ToME, CoQ), unfortunately Cataclysm DDA is not on sale.
Krone Hotel at 90% off looks like a decent choice too. Then there’s Jupiter Hell, which I recently stumbled upon and looks great too.
I’d also like to get some of the FF games, though I’ve played VI, VII, IX and a bit of XII, it would be nice to revisit some of the older ones I haven’t played almost since the PSX era.
I picked up Sun Haven. I was thinking of playing it the other day, and the steam sale reminded me it existed. (I’m having fun with it, but the play experience is somewhat janky.)
Other items on my wishlist on much bigger discounts are just sitting there because I don’t have the mental space for them.
I enjoyed it for awhile, but it definitely feels like one to wait on and return to it later when it’s more developed.