THE FINALS is gearing up for Season 2!The rogue hacking group CNS have infiltrated the show, but the show must go on!Season 2 brings an entirely new map, new...
Finals is the first pvp I’ve been sucked into in years after having mainly stuck exclusively with PVE. It’s felt much more accessible than other shooters with the variety of different play styles and the higher ttk makes my slow reaction times less detrimental.
I loved getting my Assist medals in BF3 for consistently being just a bit slower than my opponent and dropping them down to 5% health. I am keeping the tradition alive in Finals
Finals is the first pvp I’ve been sucked into in years after having mainly stuck exclusively with PVE. It’s felt much more accessible than other shooters with the variety of different play styles and the higher ttk makes my slow reaction times less detrimental.
I loved getting my Assist medals in BF3 for consistently being just a bit slower than my opponent and dropping them down to 5% health. I am keeping the tradition alive in Finals