I have been messing with my raspberry pi 400 and stumbled across box86. This program converts x86 calls to arm. And it works pretty well, i got the orginal pvz (disk verison) running through wine and box 86! The game is slow on cutscenes but gameplay is suprisingly playable and was more playable then my first pc lmao!

Its crazy that a fanless 15watt arm chip can run old games this well! Compared to a pentium 4 thats is taking off.

  • Fubarberry@sopuli.xyz
    6 months ago

    Its crazy that a fanless 15watt arm chip can run old games this wel! Compared to a pentium 4 thats is taking off.

    It’s not fanless, but the Steam Deck APU also has a 15w max (total power consumption can climb up to ~25w after fans/screen/etc). Overall really impressive what can be run these days on so little power.