Manifestantes dizem ter sido vítimas de violência racista e xenófoba, ameaças de morte e pontapés. Confrontos físicos aconteceram esta sexta-feira à tarde, junto à estátua de D. Dinis, na Universidade de Coimbra, onde decorria uma manifestação pacífica.
Try living under violent, oppressive, ethno-nationalist, colonialist, apartheid for 80+ years and see what options you and your family might be willing to consider.
Also add in the direct monetary support from Likud and Netanyahu to prop them up as the only viable option.
Try living under violent, oppressive, ethno-nationalist, colonialist, apartheid for 80+ years and see what options you and your family might be willing to consider.
Also add in the direct monetary support from Likud and Netanyahu to prop them up as the only viable option.