As the clock ticks down to the weekly reset, it’s time again for this week’s Reset Recap! What did (or didn’t) you achieve this week in the game?

Remember if you haven’t participated in The Rising event this year that you’re nearly out of time, with the event finishing later this week. Get yourself a big red fan emote and enjoy a cute little quest line to celebrate another year together in Eorzea.

  • Drusenija@lemmy.worldOP
    25 days ago

    I finally got to 3000 commendations and got my Parade Chocobo last night!

    I also started a new job, have started playing White Mage. I usually main Scholar so I figured learning how a pure healer works was probably worth doing. Plus I took advantage of the current cash shop sales to buy an extra set I needed to finish my Aerith glam which I’m now using as my White Mage glam. It’s been a lot of fun to use because it actually triggers conversations in roulettes 😊

      25 days ago

      Congrats on the achievement! Slowly approaching that one myself.

      White Mage is a lot of fun at higher levels. My main healer jobs are Scholar for dungeons and Sage for raiding so I don’t often play it, but I love Swiftcast Holy + Assize.

      • Drusenija@lemmy.worldOP
        25 days ago

        Thank you ❤️ Haven’t specifically being trying to get it but when you make healer you’re going to rack them up over time.

        I’m still getting to grips with White Mage’s toolkit but also only at level 69 so still have a lot left to unlock. Level 50 feels so unsatisfying though compared to Scholar. Like, at least let me use lilies during the umpteenth Crystal Tower raid for the week.

    • Drusenija@lemmy.worldOP
      25 days ago

      Well done! Are you finding your groups are getting through the mechanics now and just struggling on damage output or are they still limping through the fight and going down regularly?

        24 days ago

        So strictly speaking I don’t know yet if we are struggling for damage output because that fight has more body checks (5+) than DPS checks. The times I’ve gotten to the end, the previous body check has been so scuffed people have 1 or 2 levels of exhaustion due to deaths which really puts a sinker on the damage output. Finding groups at (insert whatever random time I pick up party finder and decide my evening shall be raiding) was largely my challenge. This is also my first tier running raids on-content.

        Week 1 I only put one day forwards, so it counts and doesn’t at the same time for me. But I did get past baits

        What I ran into mostly in 3-6 was picking the wrong time (Monday night on Crystal) to try to find groups. There was a notable vacuum of parties advertising at my prog point - it felt like (mild exaggeration) everyone was fresh, enrage, or a reclear.

        So to make sure I still got practice in, I’d take an instance that was a fresh prog and help them - but we’d time out / disband right as we got to the mechanic I was on. As a result, I got really good at phase 1 with minimal “forward” progress.

        Pulling stuff earlier in the week, even on Crystal there was a bit more variety if I looked closer to the beginning of reset, and last two weeks (week 7-8 if I counted right), I got clones > mouser 2 > and these past three days I saw raining cats and enrage.

        So, other notes

        • for one, the more mechs I can get through, the more PFs are available. This problem will be its own nature solve itself.
        • I know I could visit Aether or Primal, but as small as Crystal 's raiding scene is if we all collectively decide it’s dead than it WILL die and I’m determined to do my part to prevent that from happening
        • my FC has also been probing their way into on-content EX and savage, so with that I’ve also gotten more confident at leading/teaching, and starting next tier I plan to be part of the solution and actively put up a PF if I don’t see one rather than passively participating. I’m not going to sit and bemoan on social media a lower traffic datacenter without trying to fix this myself. There is a limit to how well that will work, because if I’m too late at night, too many PFs may “vampire” each other for members if there’s not quite enough people online. That’s something I have part of a feel of now, and I’ll get better with practice.
        • “just join a static”: something I have considered, but I need to make sure I don’t over promise my energy. Sometimes I’ll just run one instance, other times I’ll be at it for 6h enough that one of the other FC officers logs out, domes something else, logs back in later and sees where I am to say “wait you’re STILL raiding??” Statics, by nature, have a fixed schedule and it would be quite rude to them to just not have energy available at their time. Scheduling 8 people is and always will be the hardest part of any raid.

        EDIT: I counted horribly wrong I’ll fix it later.

        • Drusenija@lemmy.worldOP
          24 days ago

          Completely get the concerns on a static. I tried to get a group together with some friends for Anabaseios, we were getting to the FIFA mechanic regularly but people stopped showing up regularly before we could clear it. I don’t want to be that person in a static and my work schedule does make it challenging some weeks so I’ve just stayed out of Savage this time around.

          It sounds like you’re getting there though, and if you’re seeing the enrage then you’ll be pretty close to start joining a clear party at least! And once you’ve gotten to that point it’s just repetition for reclears 😊 So don’t get discouraged, you’re definitely getting there! And thank you for sharing 🙏🏻

    25 days ago

    I didn’t do a lot this week, but I did do a lot of S rank hunts! Also completed all of Stormblood crafting leves — I’m slowly working my way backwards to 100% leve completion.

    • Drusenija@lemmy.worldOP
      25 days ago

      Nice! I’ve been so out of hunting since the relay linkshell I use stopped relaying. I really need to find another one, was always fun doing S ranks, regardless of their level.

      Congrats on the crafting leves too! I don’t have the desire nor the patience to work through any of those 😅

    23 days ago

    Got the M4S clear on monday and recleared it tonight. As usual, got absolutely nothing (not even the orchestrion roll!). Maybe I’ll try getting into a reclear static, but since I’d like to gear 3 jobs by FRU launch, it might not be the best idea.

    • Drusenija@lemmy.worldOP
      23 days ago

      Note to self: FRU is the acronym for the new Ultimate 😅

      Regardless, congrats on the clear and reclear! And at least the price is dropping on the orchestrion roll so you can always Seto “screw the rules I have money” Kaiba it in a pinch.

      I’m assuming you’re gearing three separate characters if your goal is FRU launch? I wouldn’t have thought BiS for 3 jobs on one character was doable in that amount of time.